Towley Character Morph for Genesis 8.1 Female
Posted on 05 Jan 02:52 | by cod2war | 30 views

Towley Character Morph for Genesis 8.1 Female
Detail link: https://www.renderhub.com/sza-trippie/towley-morph-for-genesis-8-1-female
Towley Character Morph for Genesis 8.1 Female
Let me introduce you to Towley - a 5'4'' realistic roly-poly female character I've cooked.
Not your usual eyedrops at first sight, she's charmingly (and dangerously) curvalicious if you dare to take a closer look.
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This package contains:
. Towley 8.1 (full morph)
. Towley Head 8.1 (head morph only)
. Towley Body 8.1 (body morph only)
. Towley Nipples 8.1 (nipples)
. Towley Fantasy 8.1 (another full custom morph - Towley's version as a dwarf)*
Skin textures are NOT INCLUDED.
Hair, Clothes and Accessories used in the promo pictures are NOT INCLUDED.
Promo Model #1: Melinda HD for Sydney 8 (skin and brows) / SU Everyday Long Hair
Promo Model #2: Warloc's Akito from Warrior Couple And Landscape / SdeB's Pineapple Curls / HS Chaerine Frizz Hair
ps: Towley also looked great w/ Margreta (Sangriart's) skin textures (specially w/ an increased translucency opt), and w/ Brittany's (from P3Design) and w/ Barbie's (RedMagnet's).
* the Head HD Details dial from Brooke 8.1 (I used around 50%) added a nice extra layer of realism to her facial features
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The morph dials are located under Actor/ (on the Parameters tab, just type for 'Towley')
But you can also find all Shape presets on your Library under People/Sza Trippie/Towley
* RSSY's Character Converter is messing her shape when I try to convert her to Genesis 9.
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