Roman Artifacts I

Posted on 31 Dec 07:16 | by cod2war | 15 views
Roman Artifacts I
Roman Artifacts I

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Roman Artifacts I by NetLevel.

Product includes 8 intricately sculpted historical items from Roman antiquity:
Brazier - Common artifact in a patrician domus (house) and religious temples. For heating an ceremonial purposes.
Death Mask - Reserved typically for the nobility and influential patricians. Clay was molded onto the face, and when hardened, resembled a likeness.
Dolium - Ubiquitous item found everywhere in ancient Roman culture. Housed anything from water, to wine, or grain.
Foculus - A portable artifact found in plebian and patrician residences.
Lucerna - An elaborate hanging oil lamp typical in a patrician domus.
Mensa - Marble table with an ornate mosaic top.
Piscina - Wash basin used for hygiene and religious purposes.
Sella - Wooden chair with bronze trim that was common in Roman antiquity.

Death Mask and Lucerna include flames for added effect. Death Mask requires high graphics card usage - render times can be cut down by decreasing the opacity value of the flame. Within Daz Studio, navigate to Death Mask in the Scene Pane > Surfaces > Flame > Opacity. Decrease the value for desired effect.


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