John Eliot Gardiner - Bach Christmas Oratorio; Cantatas (2022)

Posted on 30 Nov 04:04 | by oaxino | 15 views

John Eliot Gardiner - Bach Christmas Oratorio; Cantatas  (2022)

FLAC (tracks) - 1.1 GB | MP3 CBR 320 kbps - 665 MB
4:45:10 | Classical | Label: UMG

Conductor John Eliot Gardiner is a leading figure in the historical performance movement, having founded the Monteverdi Choir for performances of Baroque music and the Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique, devoted to music of the 19th century. He is especially noted for performances and recordings of Bach's choral music, and his label, Soli Deo Gloria ("To the Glory of God Only"), takes its name from the small S.D.G. signature Bach affixed to many of his works.
Gardiner was born on April 20, 1943, in the village of Fontmell Magna in England's Dorset County. It is worth notice that for the first part of his musical education, he was largely self-taught: he sang in a village church choir and played the violin. At 15, he took up conducting, and while he was studying history, Arabic, and medieval Spanish at Cambridge, he also began conducting choirs there. He led choirs from Oxford and Cambridge on a Middle Eastern tour while still an undergraduate, and in 1964, he conducted a performance of Monteverdi's Vespers of 1610, a work little known at the time. Out of this performance grew the Monteverdi Choir, his primary performing ensemble. Gardiner studied musicology and conducting with Thurston Dart and Nadia Boulanger in the mid-'60s, which was his only period of formal musical study. In 1968, he founded a Monteverdi Orchestra to go with the choir; in the '70s, the group began to use Baroque instruments and was renamed the English Baroque Soloists. With this group and the Monteverdi Choir, Gardiner has made recordings numbering in the hundreds. Mostly during the first part of his career, he also worked with conventional symphony orchestras. His U.S. debut came in 1979 with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, and in the '80s and early '90s, he was music director of the CBC Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, the Opera de Lyon Orchestra, and the North German Radio Orchestra (now the NDR Elbphilharmonie). In 1990, as understanding of the historical instruments used in the music of Beethoven and subsequent composers was just developing, he founded the Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique, leading it on tour in 1993 with a then recently rediscovered Messe solennelle of Berlioz.
One of Gardiner's most celebrated accomplishments was his Bach Cantata Pilgrimage of 2000, with the Monteverdi Choir and English Baroque Soloists. The group toured for 52 weeks, performing all of Bach's cantatas at their appropriate times in the liturgical year, often in churches with relevance in Bach's own career. The performances were recorded and issued in lavish packaging on Soli Deo Gloria, with essays by Gardiner delving into the meaning of each work. These essays led Gardiner to publish a book, Bach: Music in the Castle of Heaven (2013). Gardiner has also recorded for Deutsche Grammophon, Philips, and other labels. His Schumann symphony recordings with the Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique are credited with introducing a trend toward smaller forces in those works. Another major tour came in Spain in 2004, as Gardiner and the Monteverdi Choir retraced the medieval Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route and sang medieval Spanish repertory. Gardiner has also appeared as a guest conductor with major symphony orchestras, including the Berlin Philharmonic, the Chicago Symphony, and the Cleveland Orchestra. His recording career has not slackened in the least in his senior citizen years, as he has often released a half-dozen recordings per year or more. In 2019, he and the Monteverdi Choir released Love is come again, featuring music from the Springhead Easter Play, a mime event staged annually at Gardiner's family home and originally directed by his mother. He was not slowed much in 2020 by the coronavirus pandemic, for he already had material in the hopper, including a modern-instrument recording of a pair of Schumann symphonies with the London Symphony Orchestra. He returned in 2022 with the Monteverdi Choir and English Baroque Soloists in a new recording for the Deutsche Grammophon label of Bach's St. John Passion, BWV 245. Gardiner's many awards include designation as Commander of the British Empire in 1990 and as Chevalier of the Legion of Honor in France in 2011. ~ James Manheim
01. No. 1 Chorus: "Jauchzet, frohlocket"
02. No. 2 Evangelist: "Es begab sich aber zu der Zeit"
03. No. 3 Rezitativ: "Nun wird mein liebster Bräutigam"
04. No. 4 Aria: " Bereite dich, Zion"
05. No. 5 Choral: "Wie soll ich dich empfangen"
06. No. 7 Chorale: "Er ist auf Erden kommen arm", Recitativ (Bass): Wer will die Liebe recht erhöhn"
07. No. 8 Aria: "Großer Herr, o starker König"
08. No. 9 Choral: "Ach mein herzliebes Jesulein"
09. No. 10 Sinfonia
10. No. 11 Evangelist: "Und es waren Hirten in derselben Gegend"
11. No. 12 Chorale: "Brich an, o schönes Morgenlicht"
12. No. 13 Evangelist, Engel: "Und der Engel sprach zu Ihnen"
13. No. 14 Rezitativ: "Was Gott dem Abraham Verheißen"
14. No. 15 Aria: "Frohe Hirten, eilt, ach eilet"
15. No. 17 Chorale: "Schaut hin, dort liegt im finstern Stall"
16. No. 18 Rezitativ: "So geht denn hin, ihr Hirten, geht"
17. No. 19 Aria: "Schlafe, mein Liebster, geniesse der Ruh"
18. No. 21 Chor: "Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe"
19. No. 23 Chorale: "Wir singen dir in deinem Heer"
20. No. 24 Chor: "Herrscher des Himmels, erhöre das Lallen" (I)
21. No. 26 Chor: "Lasset uns nun gehen gen Bethlehem"
22. No. 27 Rezitativ: "Er hat sein Volk getröst"
23. No. 28 Choral: "Dies hat er alles uns getan"
24. No. 29 Duett: "Herr, dein Mitleid, dein Erbarmen"
25. No. 30 Evangelist: "Und sie kamen eilend"
26. No. 31 Aria: "Schließe, mein Herze, dies selige Wunder"
27. No. 33 Choral: "Ich will dich mit Fleiß bewahren"
28. No. 35 Choral: "Seid froh dieweil"
29. No. 24 Chor: "Herrscher des Himmels, erhöre das Lallen" (II)
30. No. 36 Chor: "Fallt mit Danken, fallt mit Loben"
31. No. 37 Evangelist: "Und da acht Tage um waren"
32. No. 38 Rezitativ: "Immanuel, o süßes Wort" Arioso (Chor-Sopran, Baß): "Jesu, du mein liebstes Leben"-"Komm ich will dich mit Lust umfassen"
33. No. 39 Aria: "Flösst, mein Heiland, flösst dein Namen"
34. No. 40 Rezitativ: "Wohlan, dein Name soll allein" Arioso (Chor-Sopran): "Jesu mein Freud und Wonne"
35. No. 41 Aria: "Ich will nur dir zu Ehren leben"
36. No. 42 Choral: "Jesus richte mein Beginnen"
37. No. 43 Chor: "Ehre sei dir, Gott, gesungen"
38. No. 45 Chor: "Wo ist der neugeborne König der Juden?" - Rezitativ (Alt): "Sucht ihn in meiner Brust"
39. No. 46 Choral: "Dein Glanz all Finsternis verzehrt"
40. No. 47 Aria: "Erleucht auch meine finstre Sinnen"
41. No. 49 Rezitativ: "Warum wollt ihr erschrecken?"
42. No. 50 Evangelist: "Und ließ versammeln alle Hohepriester"
43. No. 51 Terzetto: "Ach, wann wird die Zeit erscheinen?"
44. No. 53 Choral: "Zwar ist solche Herzensstube"
45. No. 54 Chor: "Herr, wenn die stolzen Feinde schnauben"
46. No. 55 Evangelist: "Da berief Herodes die Weisen heimlich" - Herodes: "Ziehet hin und forschet fleißig"
47. No. 56 Rezitativ: "Du Falscher, suche nur den Herrn zu fällen"
48. No. 57 Aria: "Nur ein Wink von seinen Händen"
49. No. 58 Evangelist: "Als sie nun den König gehöret hatten"
50. No. 59 Chorale: "Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier"
51. No. 61 Rezitativ: "So geht! Genug, mein Schatz geht nicht von hier"
52. No. 62 Aria: "Nun mögt ihr stolzen Feinde schrecken"
53. No. 63 Rezitativ: "Was will der Hölle Schrecken nun?"
54. No. 64 Choral: "Nun seid ihr wohl gerochen"
55. No. 1 Sonatina
56. No. 2 a-d "Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit" . "Es ist der alte Bund"
57. No. 3 a./b. "In deine Hände befehl ich meinen Geist" - "Heute wirst du mit mir"
58. No. 4 Chor: "Glorie, Lob, Ehr und Herrlichkeit"
59. J.S. Bach: O Jesu Christ, mein's Lebens Licht Motet, BWV 118
60. No. 1 Chor: "Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme"
61. Rezitativ: "Er kommt, er kommt, der Bräutigam kommt!"
62. Arie (Duett): "Wann kommst du, mein Heil?"
63. Choral: "Zion hört die Wächter singen"
64. Rezitativ: "So geh' herein zu mir"
65. Arie: "Mein Freund ist mein!"
66. Choral: "Gloria sei dir gesungen"
67. No. 1 Coro: "Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben"
68. No. 2 Recitativo: "Gebenedeiter Mund!"
69. No. 3 Aria: "Schäme dich, o Seele nicht"
70. No. 4 Recitativo: "Verstockung kann Gewaltige verblenden"
71. No. 5 Aria: "Bereite dir, Jesu"
72. No. 6 Choral: "Wohl mir, dass ich Jesum habe"
73. No. 7 Aria: "Hilf, Jesu, hilf"
74. No. 8 Recitativo: "Der höchsten Allmacht Wunderhand"
75. No. 9 Aria: "Ich will von Jesu Wundern singen"
76. No. 10 Choral: "Jesus bleibet meine Freude"
77. No. 1 Chorus: "Erschallet, ihr Lieder"
78. No. 2 Recitative: "Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort"
79. No. 3 Aria: "Heiligste Dreieinigkeit, großer Gott"
80. No. 4 Aria: "O Seelenparadies, das Gottes Geist durchwehet"
81. No. 5 Aria (Duet): "Komm, laß mich nicht länger warten"
82. No. 6 Chorale: "Von Gott kommt mir ein Freudenschein"
83. No. 1 "Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten"
84. No. 2 "O, was sind das für Ehren"
85. No. 3 "Komm, heiliger Geist, Herre Gott"
86. No. 4 "Die Welt mit allen Königreichen"
87. No. 5 "Du heilige Brunst, süßer Trost"
88. No. 1 Coro: Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten
89. No. 2 Aria: Komm, mein Herze steht dir offen
90. No. 3 Recitativo: Die Wohnung ist bereit
91. No. 4 Aria: Ich gehe hin und komme wieder zu euch
92. No. 5 Aria: Kommt! eilet
93. No. 7 Aria: Nichts kann mich erretten
94. No. 8 Choral: Kein Menschenkind hier auf der Erd'
95. No. 1 Chorus: "O ewiges Feuer, o Ursprung der Liebe"
96. No. 2 Recitative: "Herr! unsre Herzen halten dir"
97. No. 3 Aria: "Wohl euch, ihr auserwählten Seelen"
98. No. 4 Recitative: "Erwählt sich Gott die heil'gen Hütten"
99. No. 5 Chorus: "Friede über Israel!"
100. No. 3 Aria "Für wahr, wenn mir das kommet ein"



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