Media Player Classic - Black Edition (MPC-BE) Multilingual
Posted on 15 Nov 04:19 | by mitsumi | 7 views

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Media Player Classic Black Edition is a free and open source audio and video player for Windows. Media Player Classic - BE is based on the original "Media Player Classic" project and "Media Player Classic Home Cinema" project, contains additional features and bug fixes. The BE mod (Black Edition Mod) is a skinned version of Media Player Classic Home Cinema, much better looking than the plain old MPC. MPC-HC BE Mod is usually newer because they use the latest SVN the most up-to-date version of the code.
You can use this efficient open source media player to watch your favorite movies or listen to music, as it supports numerous formats. MPC-BE is a user-friendly media player that supports numerous video and audio formats, allowing you to render almost any file you want without any problems. Following an uneventful installation, the application enables you to open local files in its main window. It also provides you with the possibility of streaming online videos or music on your computer, on condition that you have an Internet connection, simply by entering the URL address of the source file. MPC-BE can even play files from DVDs, Blu-ray discs, or other devices.
The program features a series of basic functions, namely 'Play', 'Pause', 'Stop', 'Jump To', 'Full Screen', 'Zoom', 'Filters', 'Shaders', increase, decrease or mute 'Volume'. You can navigate between the various media files in a folder, rendering the ones you like and skipping the ones that do not appeal to you. Items can be added to 'Favorites' so you can access them more easily.
Moreover, MPC-BE offers support for opening subtitles, while also allowing you to search for them online, using opensubtitles.org as a default website. After playing a file, the utility can 'Play Next in the Folder', 'Exit', 'Shutdown' or 'Restart' your computer.
MPC-BE lets you choose the preferred 'Rendered Settings', such as 'Output Range' (either 0-255 or 16-235), 'Presentation', 'Color Management' ('Input Type', 'Ambient Light' or 'Rendering Intent', 'Vsync' ('Accurate', 'Alternative') or 'GPU Control'.
Almost all functions have a hotkey assigned, thus if you feel more comfortable working with your keyboard, you can very well do that. Additionally, you can modify them, to make it easier for you to remember and use them. Similarly, it is responsive to scrolling, meaning you can decrease or increase the volume for instance, just by using your mouse.
To summarize, MPC-BE is an intuitive piece of software that enables you to play your favorite media files with ease, providing you with a wide array of adjustable options, to enhance your viewing or listening experience.
Whats New
Fixed reading images from ID3v2 tags.
The filter will not connect to completed broadcasts.
Added support for multiple ID3 tags at the beginning of a file or stream.
Added update of metadata while playing radio broadcasts.
Unsupported G.722.1 audio tracks for Hikvision (IMKH) camera files will be ignored.
Added support for AVS3 video codec.
Fixed a crash on some MKVs.
Added support for AVS3 video codec.
Added support for MP4 with multiple headers.
Added support for color range and color location for YUV4MPEG2.
Fixed output media type properties for RAW video when MPC Video Converter is used.
Fixed angle switching for Stereo 3D.
Added support for AVS3 video decoding.
Added the ability to specify "User agent". The default is "Mozilla/5.0".
Fixed blinking of the preview window.
Fixed remembering history when opening BD ISO.
The display of the list of player translations has been optimized.
Fixed player operation in case of impossibility to change the playback speed.
Added the ability to temporarily disable (and re-enable) the preview window for the current file by clicking the middle mouse button.
The function to add all files from a folder now ignores playlists.
Fixed decoding error for some JPEG files.
Fixed update of the "Information" panel for Ogg radio.
Fixed detection of file extensions for URLs.
Optimized CD/DVD presence detection for some drives.
Fixed playback from the webcam after resetting the settings.
Various interface fixes.
Updated Hungarian translation (by mickey).
Updated Turkish translation (by cmhrky).
Updated German translation (by Klaus1189).
Updated Chinese (Simplified) translation (by wushantao).
Updated Dutch and Chinese (Traditional) translation (by beter).
Updated Japanese translation.
Updated Italian translation (by mapi68).
Updated libraries
ffmpeg git-n5.2-dev-1381-g65f96a965a;
Little-CMS git-lcms2.14rc1-3-g496293a;
MediaInfo git-v22.09-8-gb4863b677.
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