BUW EMX (Expert Moldbase Extentions) for Creo 8.0 Multilingual
Posted on 18 Nov 07:19 | by mitsumi | 9 views

File size: 423 MB
Creo Expert Moldbase Extension contains customized detailed slabs of slabs and individual elements from all leading suppliers, taking into account the requirements of the main standards in this area. When creating a model block, Creo Expert Moldbase Extension automatically generates an assembly drawing, specification and slab drawings, taking into account the ESKD requirements.
Shaping components can be created directly in Creo Expert Moldbase Extension, or you can use massing components created in CreoTool Design.
Creo Expert Moldbase Extension provides a dedicated graphical interface with a schematic 2D view of both finished model block designs and individual components. At the same time, you can create and use your designs, components, types of used injection molding machines, enter in the database of your suppliers.
The selection of the main parameters of the mold components is carried out in a two-dimensional mode. When it is necessary to specify the parameters for placing a particular component, the designer refers to the three-dimensional structure. This approach greatly speeds up the mold design process.
As a rule, full-fledged three-dimensional models of the mold assembly with holes, grooves, etc. made in the plates are formed in an automated mode. In this case, all holes and grooves are dependent - when you delete a component for which these structural elements were made, they are also deleted. When you change the size and location of components, these geometries are automatically rebuilt.
Creo Expert Moldbase Extension automatically places fasteners, calculates the length of pushers and marks, and creates cuts along the part's contour. To facilitate visualization, Creo Expert Moldbase Extension allows you to turn on / off the display of any component.
Creo Expert Moldbase Extension implements an animation-based mold reveal mechanism with an analysis for the intersection of components. The following calculations are possible
comparing the compressive force of the machine and the pressure generated inside the mold;
the force acting on the wedge during its movement (in the mechanism of the movable rod) at a given stroke;
wedge length;
the angle of the inclined pusher;
delays (with double opening of the model block);
the total design cost for making the mold.
Main advantages
Whats New
Simplify assembly logic for Meusburger E1330[RM-14475]
Issue fixed: EMX_SURFACE_FUNCTION parameter are not on both sides of holes in the plate templates[RM-13600]
Issue fixed: auto_libtread, quilt_cut udfs etc. are not found in case udf folder exists in custom configuration, but udf is only available in installation[RM-14468]
Issue fixed: Always paint mold base drawing area in case of editing nominal values, otherwise offset is not updated correctly[RM-14466]
Issue fixed: Invalid orientation of rotation fixture for ejector sleeve templates[RM-14476]
Issue fixed: In Modify Mode References get lost when changing type with different reference group type or are overwritten by Moldbase Default references[RM-10699]
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