Intel OneApi Developer Tools 2023.0 (x64)
Posted on 19 Dec 05:22 | by LeeAndro | 27 views

File Size: 4.43 GB
Intel OneApi Developer Tools is what used to be called Parallel Studio - development tools for productive, often parallelized software developed by Intel and consisting of a C / C compiler, Fortran compiler, various libraries, profiling tools and much more.
The entire set of components for development is divided by Intel into subgroups, which they called Toolkits. Installation of the corresponding toolkit - by running "Setup_.cmd". Intel recommends that you first install what you need from the Base toolkit ... and if after that you are missing something, then also what you need from other toolkits (For the content of the toolkits, see the additional info). But it seems to work even if you don't install Base at all if you don't need any of it at all (well, let's say if you only need a Fortran compiler, you can install it right away by running Setup_Compute.cmd)
The distribution is made for
those who find it more convenient/faster to from the tracker (rather than registering and climbing there on the Intel site ing toolkits one by one ... some components require registration to them ... plus now all this must be done under a VPN due to the fact that Intel decided to "play politics")
Plus, because there are a lot of repetitions in the toolkits, ing an image from the distribution from the tracker is one and a half s more profitable than ing everything from Intel separately on your own.
well, in the image from the distribution - everything is already unpacked there, and you don't have to unpack the ed gigabytes first, and only then install it.
In short , it's easier and less to from the distribution, and faster to install. Who wants to from Intel - from Intel ... this is also an option, there is no market!
Setup_Base.cmd (oneAPI Base Toolkit for Windows, OneApi_Base_2023.0.0.25940)
This is a core set of tools and libraries for developing high-performance, data-centric applications across diverse architectures. It features an industry-leading C compiler that implements SYCL, an evolution of C for heterogeneous computing
Domain-specific libraries and the Intel Distribution for Python provide drop-in acceleration across relevant architectures. Enhanced profiling, design assistance, and debug tools complete the kit
Intel oneAPI DPC/C Compiler
Intel oneAPI DPC Library
Intel Integrated Performance Primitives
Intel oneAPI Math Kernel Library
Intel oneAPI Data Analytics Library
Intel oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library
Intel oneAPI Threading Building Blocks
Intel oneAPI Video Processing Library
Intel Advisor
Intel Distribution for GDB
Intel Distribution for Python
Intel DPC Compatibility Tool
Intel VTune Profiler
Setup_Libs32bit.cmd (Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit for Windows 32bit, OneApi_Base32bit_2022.3.1.19795) if you need to build 32bit apps
Intel Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel IPP) 2021.6.1
Intel oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) 2022.2.1
Setup_Compute.cmd (Intel oneAPI HPC Toolkit for Windows, OneApi_HPC_2023.0.0.25931)
Use to access Intel Fortran Compilers, OpenMP GPU offload, and scalability with MPI
Intel oneAPI DPC/C Compiler
Intel C Compiler Classic
Intel Fortran Compiler
Intel Fortran Compiler Classic
Intel Inspector
Intel MPI Library
Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector
Setup_IoT.cmd (Intel oneAPI IoT Toolkit for Windows, OneApi_IoT_2023.0.0.25928)
Use to accelerate applications for smart, connected devices
Intel C Compiler Classic
Intel oneAPI DPC/C Compiler
Intel Inspector
Setup_Rendering.cmd (Intel oneAPI Rendering Toolkit for Windows, OneApi_RenderKit_2023.0.0.25942)
Rendering and ray-tracing libraries for high-fidelity visualization applications.
Intel Embree
Intel Implicit SPMD Program Compiler (Intel ISPC)
Intel Open Image Denoise
Intel Open Volume Kernel Library
Intel OSPRay
Intel OSPRay Studio
Intel oneAPI Threading Building Blocks (oneTBB)
rkutil - Rendering Toolkit Utilities that contain a superbuild script to provide an easy-button build mechanism for developers desiring to integrate at the source code level
System requirements :
Windows 10.11; Windows Server 2019, 2022 Intel Core, Intel Xeon, or Intel Xeon Scalable family processor; 2GB of RAM (8GB recommended) 3-24GB of free hard disk space;
For GPU programming: Integrated GPU GEN9+ (including Intel Iris Xe MAX graphics (DG1))
For Fortran, C/C compilers, a plus compiler from Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 or 2022 installed with "Desktop development with C" is required
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