Aescripts Influx v1.4.0 (WiN)
Posted on 15 Oct 06:42 | by BaDshaH | 1 views

x64 WiN | File size: 57 MB
All-in-one native Importer plugin for Adobe (Premiere Pro, After Effects and Media Encoder). Wide range of formats and codecs supported.
Main Features
Native import directly inside Adobe CC Video
- No need to go through an external transcoding software anymore ! Saves you time, disk space and hassle
- Import and edit in Premiere Pro
- Process your footage directly in After Effects
- Export your PrPro and AEfx projects in Media Encoder, as well as transcode your files directly from AME
Wide range of formats and codecs supported
- Formats : .MKV (Matroska Video files, for example files recorded through OBS Studio), .WebM, Flash .FLV, .OGV, Bink .BIK, .AVI, - Quicktime .MOV, Windows Media .WMV, .VOB etc.
- Video codecs : FFV1, VP8, VP9, Canopus HQ, all commons codecs such as H.264 H.265 etc.
- Audio codecs : .FLAC .OPUS .OGG Vorbis, .MKA, .WMA etc.
- Same set of features and results on both macOS and Windows and all Adobe versions supported (2019 to 2022)
Constantly updated !
- We're here to fix your issues and update Influx.
- Contact us for any feedback and feature request !
- If you're interested in supporting MLV Magic Lantern RAW please read this article and this article for Blackmagic CinemaDNG.
After Effects - 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019
Audition - 2022, 2021, 2020
Media Encoder - 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019
Premiere - 2022, 2021, 2020, CC 2019
What's New
1.4.0 (Current version) - Oct 11, 2023
* Support for After Effects, Premiere Pro, Media Encoder and Audition 2024 / v24 and macOS 14 Sonoma
* Improved seeking latency, on average 10% faster
* Influx can now dynamically choose which footage it will import or let Adobe import instead
- By default we will override files containing the AV1, FFV1, VP9, Opus, Vorbis, HEVC and Canopus codecs in the containers .MKV .WebM .MP4 .MOV .AVI
- Global Settings have been redesigned, you have more options as to how Influx should behave regarding overriding Adobe
- The top new dropdown now lets you customize Influx behavior, you can choose between "Force Influx to override all Adobe importers", "Use Influx for new formats, codecs and as a fallback (Default)", "Use Influx for new formats and as a fallback" or "Disable Influx Importer"
- You can selectively choose to override specific formats extension with a new textarea
* Advanced Settings can be configured inside our Config.toml file for Power users
* If your footage doesn't have the right duration after import, you can also try to suffix its filename with !accurate_duration.influx and reimport it for Influx to seek correct duration (takes more time at import)
* Media Start timecode in Thumbnail
- This feature can now be disabled globally in the Config.toml
- The timecode was appearing with the wrong orientation sometimes, now fixed

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