FeelYourSound Melodic Flow 2.0.0 (Win/macOS)
Posted on 16 Nov 05:01 | by BaDshaH | 4 views

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Stop worrying about wrong notes. Concentrate on melodic rhythms instead. Use the MelodicFlow plug-in (VSTi, AU) to create and play stunning basslines, arps, and melodies quickly. You will never sound off, as all your input is mapped to the right notes immediately.
The one thing that makes songwriting challenging
Does this sound familiar?
You know which chords you want to use in your song, but you have no ideas for the melodies yet.
You want to jam around on your keyboard, but you constantly pick the wrong notes while playing.
You know exactly the "shapes" of your melodies: You know when they should play higher or lower, when they should go up or down. But you have a hard time to put that into notes.
MelodicFlow helps you to play and compose melodies faster than ever before.
This is how it works
Basically, you only have to put the MelodicFlow plug-in (VSTi, AU) between your keyboard and another instrument. Then you start to jam around on the white keys of the upper octave and MelodicFlow converts your input to safe notes.
Follow these steps to improvise fitting melodies at once
Connect MelodicFlow to another instrument inside your DAW.
Send chord notes to MelodicFlow on the lower octaves. This way the plug-in knows which harmonies are important for your song.
Pick one of the seven operation modes and choose a scale.
Now play on the white keys of the higher octaves. Depending on the operation mode MelodicFlow will automatically convert these keys to harmonic notes that fit to your chords and the chosen scale.
There are also special black keys that are useful for your songwriting. The C#6 for example will play all the notes of the current chord at once. Take a look at the comprehensive manual to find out more. The video at the top of this page will show you an example for a real life production.
Changes in MelodicFlow v2.0
5 operation modes instead of one
Scale Bender: Play any scale without hitting the wrong notes by accident. Pick a scale, then play on the keyboard as usual.
White Keys Jam: Play any scale without having to remember the correct notes. Simply play on the white keys of your keyboard instead (middle C = root).
Mood Board: Switch between different moods (happy, sad,.) without having to think about it. Load some mood notes with the black keys, then play them on the white keys.
Piano Player: Another mood mode. Alternate between two connected triggers to simulate a playing style.
Advanced: This mode works the same way as the original MelodicFlow 1 plug-in.
8 independent pages to switch between different modes and settings. Use the lowest notes of your keyboard to change the currently active page.
Built-in MIDI recorder with drag-and-drop support. Press play in your DAW and MelodicFlow will record your data automatically. Stop your DAW to stop the recording, then drag the melody to your DAW.
UI scaling from 50% to 200%.
Parameter automation.
Formats: VST2, VST3, AU MIDI FX (only for Logic Pro).
VST versions: Built-in preview instruments.

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