Fullstack Javascript : Learn Javascript,React ,Node,Mongo Db
Posted on 31 Jul 06:36 | by LeeAndro | 30 views

Last updated 9/2020MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHzLanguage: English | Size: 11.71 GB | Duration: 25h 7m
Learn all the jаvascript Technologies Like Vanilla jаvascript, React JS , Node JS , Express JS and Mongo DB (FullStack)
What you'll learn
Full Stack Web Development
jаvascript From Scrach To Advanced
React JS
Node JS
Mongo DB
Connecting FrontEnd and Backend
Why jаvascript is better than Other.
HTML , CSS Basics
jаvascript has been around for over 20 years. It is the dominant programming language in web development.In the bning, jаvascript was a language for the web client (browser). Then came the ability to use jаvascript on the webserver (with Node.js).Today the hottest buzzword is "Full Stack jаvascript".The idea of "Full Stack jаvascript" is that all software in a web application, both client-side and server-side, should be written using jаvascript only.In This Course You Will Learnjаvascript BasicsDom ManipulationJqueryAjaxModern jаvascript ES6jаvascript AnimationsTop jаvascript LibrariesReact IntroductionHow To Create a new React ApplicationComponents and Different types of ComponentsComponents Structure and Life CycleHow to handle events in ReactApplying styles to React JS ComponentsReact HooksForms and Form SubmissionsRouting in ReactControlling one component from another Component with the help of Context-APIWhat is MERN StackAdvantages Of Mern StackNode JsImplementing Routes in Node JSRendering HTML Files in Node JsExpress JSExpress RoutingNPM Node Package ManagerMongo DBMongoDB Commands Like Create, Read, Update, DeleteConnecting Node JS With Mongo DBjаvascript is a dynamic computer programming language. It is lightweight and most commonly used as a part of the web pages, whose implementation allows a client-side script to interact with a user and to make dynamic pages. It is an interpreted programming language with object-oriented capabilities.
Section 1: Introduction
Lecture 1 jаvascript Introduction
Lecture 2 Course Structure
Lecture 3 Join The Community
Section 2: jаvascript Basics
Lecture 4 Where to write
Lecture 5 External jаvascript
Lecture 6 jаvascript Statements
Lecture 7 Finding Errors
Lecture 8 Helloworld Program
Lecture 9 Datatypes
Lecture 10 Conditional Statements
Lecture 11 Loops
Lecture 12 Functions
Lecture 13 Passing parametres to functions
Lecture 14 Arrays
Lecture 15 Array methods
Lecture 16 Strings
Lecture 17 Object Part-1
Lecture 18 Object Part-2
Lecture 19 This Keyword
Lecture 20 Date and
Lecture 21 Sorting of an Array
Lecture 22 Type Casting
Section 3: DOM Manipulation
Lecture 23 DOM Introduction
Lecture 24 Accessing HTML Elemements
Lecture 25 CSS Manipulation
Lecture 26 Buttons Onlick'
Lecture 27 Event Handling
Lecture 28 Adding / Deleting HTML elements using JS
Lecture 29 Getting Input Values
Lecture 30 Popup Boxes
Lecture 31 Addition Program
Lecture 32 Project 1 - User Authentication
Lecture 33 Radio Buttons
Lecture 34 Selection list
Lecture 35 CheckBoxes
Lecture 36 Student Registration form
Section 4: Jquery
Lecture 37 Jquery Introduction
Lecture 38 Jquery CSS
Lecture 39 Jquery Append/Remove
Lecture 40 Jquery Events
Section 5: Ajax
Lecture 41 Ajax Intro
Lecture 42 Ajax in Practical
Lecture 43 JSON
Lecture 44 Project 2 - Meals Project
Section 6: Browser DOM
Lecture 45 Window Property
Lecture 46 Screen Property
Lecture 47 Location Property
Lecture 48 Timout Property
Section 7: Browser Storage
Lecture 49 Local Storage
Lecture 50 Session storage
Section 8: Modern jаvascript ES6
Lecture 51 ES6 Introduction
Lecture 52 Let Keyword
Lecture 53 Const Keyword
Lecture 54 Arrow Functions
Lecture 55 For Of loop
Lecture 56 Spread Operator
Lecture 57 IndexOf method
Lecture 58 Array Filter
Lecture 59 Default Parametres
Section 9: Project - Covid Stats
Lecture 60 Covid - Statistics
Section 10: Animations
Lecture 61 Jquery Animate
Lecture 62 Jquery Animate Properties
Lecture 63 Jquery Fade
Section 11: Libraries
Lecture 64 What is library
Lecture 65 AOS Part-1
Lecture 66 AOS - Part2
Lecture 67 Typed JS
Lecture 68 Dark Theme Js
Section 12: React - Intro
Lecture 69 What is React
Lecture 70 What is Component
Lecture 71 JSX Overview
Section 13: First React App
Lecture 72 First React App : HelloWorld
Lecture 73 Project Structure of React-App
Lecture 74 Debuggung React App
Section 14: Components in React
Lecture 75 Components
Lecture 76 Class Components
Lecture 77 Functional Components
Lecture 78 Parent , Child Components
Section 15: States and Props
Lecture 79 What is state
Lecture 80 setState Method
Lecture 81 Props in Class Components
Lecture 82 Props in Functional Components
Section 16: Event Handling
Lecture 83 Event Handling in Class Components
Lecture 84 Event Handling in Functional Components
Section 17: CSS in React
Lecture 85 Inline CSS
Lecture 86 Local CSS
Lecture 87 Manipulating CSS using Events
Section 18: Project - Counter App
Lecture 88 Counter Application
Section 19: LifeCycle
Lecture 89 LifeCycle in Class Component
Section 20: React Hooks
Lecture 90 What is a React Hook
Lecture 91 useState Hook
Lecture 92 useEffect Hook
Lecture 93 Manipulating CSS using Hooks
Section 21: React Forms
Lecture 94 Forms Introduction
Lecture 95 Form Submission
Section 22: Project - User Authentication
Lecture 96 Authentication - Part1
Lecture 97 Authentication - Part2
Lecture 98 Authentication - Part3
Section 23: Project - TODO List
Lecture 99 Todo List Part-1
Lecture 100 Todo List Part-2
Section 24: React Router
Lecture 101 Routing Part-1
Lecture 102 Routing Part-2
Section 25: Maps in React
Lecture 103 Maps Introduction
Lecture 104 Maps Part-2
Lecture 105 Maps Part-3
Section 26: Conditional Rendering
Lecture 106 Conditional Rendering in React
Section 27: Local Storage
Lecture 107 Local Storage Intro
Lecture 108 Local Storage with Arrays and Objects
Section 28: Project - Facebook
Lecture 109 Facebook - Part1
Lecture 110 Facebook-Part2
Lecture 111 Facebook - Part3
Lecture 112 Facebook - Part4
Section 29: Context-API
Lecture 113 What is Context API
Lecture 114 Implementing Context API
Lecture 115 Manipulating Components using Context API
Section 30: Project - Movies App
Lecture 116 Movies App Part-1
Lecture 117 Movies App Part-2
Section 31: HTTP Methods
Lecture 118 Fetch Method
Lecture 119 Axios Method
Lecture 120 Return HTML Content using HTTP Methods
Section 32: Project - React Meals
Lecture 121 Meals App Part-1
Lecture 122 Meals App Part-2
Section 33: Node JS
Lecture 123 What is Node Js
Lecture 124 Hello World in Node JS
Lecture 125 Hello World in Node JS on Screen
Lecture 126 Basic Routing in Node JS
Section 34: Modules In Node JS
Lecture 127 What is a Node JS Module
Lecture 128 Local Modules
Lecture 129 NPM
Lecture 130 Installing first NPM Module - Nodemon
Section 35: Express Js
Lecture 131 What is Express Framework
Lecture 132 Express Helloworld
Section 36: Creating Rest API
Lecture 133 Postman - GET Method
Lecture 134 Postman - POST Method
Section 37: Mongo DB
Lecture 135 What is Mongo DB
Lecture 136 Mongo DB Installation
Lecture 137 Mongo DB Insert
Lecture 138 Mongo DB Update and Delete
Section 38: Node + Mongo
Lecture 139 Connecting Node JS with Mongo DB
Lecture 140 Mongo-Node Insert
Lecture 141 Mongo-Node Update and Delete
Section 39: Connecting Front-End and Backend
Lecture 142 Connecting Node JS and React JS
Lecture 143 MERN Stack Helloworld
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