MERN Stack Course MongoDB, Express, React & NodeJS
Posted on 27 Oct 14:25 | by AD-TEAM | 25 views

MERN Stack Course MongoDB, Express, React & NodeJS
Language: English
Files Type: mp4| Size: 11.82 GB
Video: 26:07:44 | 1280X720 | 1051 Kbps
Audio: mp4a-40-2 | 128 Kbps | AAC

Videos Files :
1. Introduction and Course Requirement.mp4 (14.32 MB)
2. Environment Setup.mp4 (12.9 MB)
3. What is MERN Stack.mp4 (64.04 MB)
1. Node Basics.mp4 (48.66 MB)
2. Modules.mp4 (58.36 MB)
3. Core Modules.mp4 (23.5 MB)
4. Create a NodeJS Server.mp4 (48.35 MB)
5. Create Routes in NodeJS.mp4 (58.52 MB)
6. Create an Express Server and Route.mp4 (83.19 MB)
7. Continously monitor server with Nodemon.mp4 (57.43 MB)
8. HTTP Request Methods and Status Codes.mp4 (58 MB)
1. Task Manager Demo.mp4 (4.66 MB)
10. Create Task Model and Schema.mp4 (57.35 MB)
11. Create a Task Route.mp4 (40.27 MB)
12. Middleware.mp4 (53.67 MB)
13. Save Task to database.mp4 (78.3 MB)
14. Get All Tasks.mp4 (37.36 MB)
15. Create Task Route.mp4 (49.51 MB)
16. Create Task Controller.mp4 (68.27 MB)
17. Get a Single Task.mp4 (90.36 MB)
18. Delete a Task.mp4 (64.17 MB)
19. Update a Task PUT.mp4 (87.19 MB)
2. Project Setup.mp4 (21.21 MB)
20. Update a Task PATCH.mp4 (16.97 MB)
21. Refactor out Routes.mp4 (72.23 MB)
3. Create Express Server.mp4 (40.71 MB)
4. Create start script with nodemon.mp4 (18.62 MB)
5. Setup Postman and Insomia for API testing.mp4 (45.52 MB)
6. Setup MongoDB.mp4 (70.81 MB)
7. Connect To MongoDB Method 1.mp4 (84.43 MB)
8. Refactor the connection sequence.mp4 (22.66 MB)
9. Connect To MongoDB Method 2.mp4 (41.76 MB)
1. React App Setup.mp4 (67.18 MB)
10. Update Task Part 1.mp4 (88.87 MB)
11. Update Task Part 2.mp4 (39.73 MB)
12. Set task to completed.mp4 (54.57 MB)
13. Get task count.mp4 (51.08 MB)
2. Create Script to run backend and frontend.mp4 (26.02 MB)
3. Create all Components.mp4 (49.31 MB)
4. Task Manager JSX.mp4 (73.25 MB)
5. Add Task to DB.mp4 (160.53 MB)
6. Set Proxy URL.mp4 (48.4 MB)
7. Get Tasks from DB.mp4 (102.65 MB)
8. Display tasks on the page.mp4 (19.77 MB)
9. Delete a Task.mp4 (37.44 MB)
1. Deploy Push app to GitHub.mp4 (105.17 MB)
2. Deploy Frontend To Render.mp4 (56.46 MB)
3. Deploy Backend To Render.mp4 (35.17 MB)
4. Before you deploy to Heroku.mp4 (26.66 MB)
5. Preparing our App for deployment.mp4 (70.59 MB)
6. Deploying our app to Heroku.mp4 (109.97 MB)
1. Pinvent App Demo.mp4 (102.78 MB)
2. Planning the Project.mp4 (29.23 MB)
3. Project Setup.mp4 (31.86 MB)
1. Create Server and Connect MongoDB.mp4 (96.53 MB)
10. Generate JSON Web Token.mp4 (73.65 MB)
11. Send Token With HTTP Only cookie.mp4 (81.11 MB)
12. Create Login Route.mp4 (29.11 MB)
13. Create Login Controller Function.mp4 (94.36 MB)
14. Logout User.mp4 (43.19 MB)
15. Create User Profile Route.mp4 (36.53 MB)
16. Create Protect MiddleWare and UserProfile Controller.mp4 (110.96 MB)
17. Create Route to Get Login Status.mp4 (34.96 MB)
18. Create Login Status Controller Function.mp4 (26.58 MB)
19. Create Route to Update User.mp4 (41.75 MB)
2. Create Folders and Home Route.mp4 (80.15 MB)
20. Create Update User Controller Function.mp4 (94.94 MB)
21. Create Route to Change Password.mp4 (32.05 MB)
22. Create Controller Function to Change Password.mp4 (77.84 MB)
23. Reset Password Process.mp4 (35.99 MB)
24. Create Forgot Password Route.mp4 (32.43 MB)
25. Create Token Model.mp4 (45.82 MB)
26. Create send Email Function.mp4 (114.25 MB)
27. Forgot Password Controller Function Part 1.mp4 (88.79 MB)
28. Forgot Password Controller Function Part 2.mp4 (85.39 MB)
29. Forgot Password Controller Function Part 3.mp4 (129.1 MB)
3. Create User Model.mp4 (121.81 MB)
30. Email not delivered.mp4 (23.82 MB)
31. Create Reset Password Route.mp4 (31.56 MB)
32. Create Reset Password Controller.mp4 (93.21 MB)
33. Create Product Model.mp4 (67.79 MB)
34. Create Product Route.mp4 (56.41 MB)
35. Create Product Controller.mp4 (67.41 MB)
36. Set up Multer file upload.mp4 (114.85 MB)
37. Upload Image With Multer.mp4 (113.96 MB)
38. Save product to cloudinary.mp4 (77.71 MB)
39. Get all Products Route and Controller.mp4 (54.85 MB)
4. Create User Route.mp4 (37.38 MB)
40. Get single Product Route and Controller.mp4 (60.7 MB)
41. Delete a Product Route and Controller.mp4 (58.79 MB)
42. Update Product Route and Controller.mp4 (157.44 MB)
43. Update Product Bug Fix.mp4 (35.83 MB)
44. Contact Us Route.mp4 (62.23 MB)
45. Contact Us Controller.mp4 (79.65 MB)
5. Create User Controller.mp4 (35.02 MB)
6. Create Custom Error Handler.mp4 (103.02 MB)
7. Register New User.mp4 (144.67 MB)
8. Encrypt Password Method 1.mp4 (72.81 MB)
9. Encrypt Password Method 2.mp4 (69.17 MB)
1. Create React App.mp4 (39.04 MB)
10. Reset Passord Page JSX.mp4 (19.42 MB)
11. Header, Footer and Layout Component JSX.mp4 (59.93 MB)
12. Dashboard Initial Setup.mp4 (83.89 MB)
13. Get The Sidebar Code.mp4 (14.3 MB)
14. Sidebar Component Part 1.mp4 (127.8 MB)
15. Sidebar Component Part 2.mp4 (233.72 MB)
16. Navigate to Home Page from Dashboard.mp4 (20.2 MB)
17. Set up auth slice.mp4 (108.5 MB)
18. Set up auth service and Register User function.mp4 (134.03 MB)
19. Register User Part 1.mp4 (73.44 MB)
2. Set up Redux.mp4 (86.03 MB)
20. Register User Part 2.mp4 (106.09 MB)
21. Register User Part 3.mp4 (27.89 MB)
22. Create Loader Component.mp4 (65.9 MB)
23. Create Login User function.mp4 (22.71 MB)
24. Login User.mp4 (86.91 MB)
25. Logout User.mp4 (42.06 MB)
26. Display name of user.mp4 (18.34 MB)
27. Forgot Password.mp4 (76.31 MB)
28. Create Reset Password function.mp4 (22.33 MB)
29. Reset Password.mp4 (96.3 MB)
3. Set up Routing.mp4 (39.3 MB)
30. Hide or Show Nav Menu.mp4 (78.26 MB)
31. Get Login Status.mp4 (70.74 MB)
32. Redirect Logged out users.mp4 (89.64 MB)
33. Create productSlice.mp4 (58.27 MB)
34. Create Product Function Redux.mp4 (160.12 MB)
35. Create Add Product Component.mp4 (247.88 MB)
36. Create Add Product Route.mp4 (8.94 MB)
37. Create Product Form and Test.mp4 (221.71 MB)
38. Create Get all Products Function Redux.mp4 (56.5 MB)
39. Get All Products.mp4 (124.33 MB)
4. Home Page.mp4 (161.1 MB)
40. Display Products on dashboard.mp4 (168.87 MB)
41. Search Component JSX.mp4 (54.72 MB)
42. Search Function in Redux.mp4 (113.18 MB)
43. Product List Pagination.mp4 (109.25 MB)
44. Product Summary JSX.mp4 (118.84 MB)
45. Calculate Total Store Value.mp4 (114.46 MB)
46. Calculate Out Of Stock Products.mp4 (77.84 MB)
47. Calculate all Categories.mp4 (49.92 MB)
48. Create Delete Function Redux.mp4 (55.72 MB)
49. Delete Product.mp4 (118.77 MB)
5. Create Auth Pages and Routes.mp4 (45.75 MB)
50. Create Get Single Product Function Redux.mp4 (46.6 MB)
51. Create Product Detail Route.mp4 (45.83 MB)
52. Create Product Details Component.mp4 (293.38 MB)
53. Create Update Product Function Redux.mp4 (70.22 MB)
54. Create Edit Product Route.mp4 (22.01 MB)
55. Create Edit Product Component.mp4 (226.85 MB)
56. Create Get User Profile Function.mp4 (28.3 MB)
57. Create Profile Component and Route.mp4 (17.91 MB)
58. Profile Component Logic.mp4 (78.38 MB)
59. Profile Component Logic JSX.mp4 (77.43 MB)
6. Create Card Component.mp4 (34.99 MB)
60. Edit Profile Part 1.mp4 (204.85 MB)
61. Edit Profile Part 2.mp4 (226.88 MB)
62. Edit Profile Component.mp4 (160.21 MB)
63. Change Password Component.mp4 (136.76 MB)
64. Testing Our App.mp4 (49.58 MB)
65. Deploy To GitHub.mp4 (46.48 MB)
66. Deploy Frontend To Vercel.mp4 (35.37 MB)
67. Deploy Backend To Render.mp4 (70.55 MB)
7. Login Page JSX.mp4 (60.14 MB)
8. Register Page JSX.mp4 (29.19 MB)
9. Forgot Passord Page JSX.mp4 (25.95 MB)
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