CBTNugget Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS)
Posted on 09 Nov 18:12 | by AD-TEAM | 22 views
CBTNugget Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS)
Language: English
Files Type: mp4| Size: 7.62 GB
Video: 25:24:35 | 1280X720 | 975 Kbps
Audio: mp4a-40-2 | 159 Kbps | AAC

Videos Files :
1. Intro to Certified Kubernetes Security (CKS).mp4 (54.42 MB)
2. Kubernetes Cluster and Node Hardening.mp4 (64.67 MB)
3. Secure Microservices with Service Mesh and Policy.mp4 (69.63 MB)
4. Discuss Software Supply Chain Security.mp4 (70.82 MB)
5. Kubernetes Monitoring and Runtime Security.mp4 (51.21 MB)
48. Intro to Pod Security Policies.mp4 (53.45 MB)
49. Learn Pod Security Policy Architecture.mp4 (49.89 MB)
50. Test Default Behavior of Kubernetes PSPs.mp4 (41.64 MB)
51. Create Kubernetes Service Account and Pod Security Policy.mp4 (24.49 MB)
52. Create Role and Validate PSP Behavior.mp4 (34.98 MB)
53. Intro to Kubernetes Admission Controllers.mp4 (69.94 MB)
54. Learn About Dynamic Admission Controllers.mp4 (59.66 MB)
55. Examine Built in Kubernetes Admission Controllers.mp4 (67.73 MB)
56. Customize Kubernetes (k3s) API Server Admission Plugins.mp4 (64.82 MB)
57. Intro to Auditing in Kubernetes.mp4 (73.12 MB)
58. Understanding Kubernetes Audit Policy Configuration.mp4 (80.76 MB)
59. Install K3S and Enable Audit Logging.mp4 (73 MB)
60. Enable Kubernetes Audit Backend.mp4 (52.26 MB)
61. Intro to Kubernetes Event Resources.mp4 (80.3 MB)
62. Explore Kubernetes Event Schema.mp4 (58.94 MB)
63. Understand Node Level Events in Kubernetes.mp4 (29.49 MB)
64. Explore Pod Events in Kubernetes.mp4 (43.55 MB)
65. Filter Kubernetes Events with Kubectl CLI.mp4 (48.07 MB)
66. Intro to Processing Kubernetes Audit Logs.mp4 (73.56 MB)
67. Provision Kubernetes Audit Database with MySQL.mp4 (61.97 MB)
68. Connect to MySQL Database from PowerShell and VSCode.mp4 (69.44 MB)
69. Parse Kubernetes JSON Audit Logs and Insert MySQL Records.mp4 (133.7 MB)
70. Intro to Container Image Verification in Kubernetes.mp4 (116.51 MB)
71. Customize Connaisseur Helm Variables.mp4 (61.39 MB)
72. Install Connaisseur Helm Chart.mp4 (39.83 MB)
73. Build and Test Signed Container Image.mp4 (104.44 MB)
74. Intro to Container Image Vulnerability Scanning Tools.mp4 (49.96 MB)
75. Explore Trivy Scanner Functionality.mp4 (62.14 MB)
76. Deep Dive Into Trivy Vulnerability Data Sources.mp4 (74.43 MB)
77. Run Trivy Vulnerability Scan on Linux VM.mp4 (76.09 MB)
78. Intro to Falco Open Source Event Detection.mp4 (59.93 MB)
79. Learn About Falco Sidekick Utility.mp4 (48.64 MB)
80. Engage with the Falco Development Community.mp4 (51.53 MB)
81. Install Falco on Linux Virtual Machine.mp4 (59.34 MB)
82. Review Falco Configuration Files and Launch Falco.mp4 (60.98 MB)
83. Intro to Teleport Proxy Security for Kubernetes.mp4 (36.66 MB)
84. Understanding Teleport Architecture on Kubernetes.mp4 (46.27 MB)
85. Install Teleport Proxy on Kubernetes Cluster.mp4 (56.74 MB)
86. Configure Teleport DNS Endpoint and User.mp4 (57.86 MB)
87. Login to Kubernetes Cluster via Teleport CLI.mp4 (67.62 MB)
88. Intro to Kyverno Policy Management for Kubernetes.mp4 (82.15 MB)
89. Install Kyverno on Kubernetes Cluster with Helm.mp4 (68.42 MB)
90. Examine Kyverno Policy Library and Network Policy.mp4 (53.78 MB)
91. Apply Kyverno Policy to Enforce Kubernetes Quotas.mp4 (32.9 MB)
10. Apply Egress Rules to Kubernetes Network Policy.mp4 (41.99 MB)
11. Deploy Example Kubernetes Network Policy Scenario.mp4 (29.2 MB)
12. Practice Kubernetes Network Policy.mp4 (29.79 MB)
6. Learn Network Policy Security Concepts in Kubernetes.mp4 (45 MB)
7. Block Network Traffic by Source CIDR Block.mp4 (38.4 MB)
8. Apply Pod Selectors to Kubernetes Network Policy.mp4 (28.33 MB)
9. Select Network Traffic by Source Namespace.mp4 (32.17 MB)
92. Intro to Kubernetes Monitoring with Sumo Logic.mp4 (28.32 MB)
93. Install Sumo Logic Helm Chart on Kubernetes Cluster.mp4 (46.57 MB)
94. Explore Sumo Logic Open Source Components.mp4 (35.82 MB)
95. Explore Built in Kubernetes Dashboards in Sumo Logic.mp4 (25.49 MB)
96. Understanding Kubernetes E mail Alerts in Sumo Logic.mp4 (41.69 MB)
100. Setting the Client Config for Kubernetes Webhook Configs.mp4 (56.19 MB)
101. Understanding Extra Webhook Config Options.mp4 (47.45 MB)
102. Inspect Validating Webhook Config Requests.mp4 (57.02 MB)
97. Intro to Kubernetes Dynamic Admission Controllers.mp4 (66.18 MB)
98. Learn Basic Structure of Validating Webhook Configuration.mp4 (61.7 MB)
99. Understanding Kubernetes Webhook Configuration Rules.mp4 (66.46 MB)
103. Intro to Container Image Scanning with GitHub Actions.mp4 (75.66 MB)
104. Create Simple GitHub Actions Project.mp4 (31.69 MB)
105. Install and Run Trivy in GitHub Actions.mp4 (53.72 MB)
106. Abort GitHub Actions Workflow on Detected Vulnerabilities.mp4 (28.79 MB)
107. Improve Trivy Performance in GitHub Actions.mp4 (50.19 MB)
108. Schedule Chaos Mesh Experiments with Cron Expressions.mp4 (77.87 MB)
109. Develop Complex Chaos Mesh Workflows.mp4 (49.17 MB)
110. Inject Stress Chaos into Kubernetes Pods.mp4 (46.97 MB)
111. Perform Kubernetes Network Attacks with Chaos Mesh.mp4 (41.12 MB)
112. Intro to Pod Security Standards.mp4 (90.44 MB)
113. Implement Warning for Baseline Pod Security Standard on Namespace.mp4 (102.05 MB)
114. Enforce Baseline Pod Security Standard Versions.mp4 (47.79 MB)
115. Apply Pod Security Standard to Entire Kubernetes Cluster.mp4 (66.72 MB)
116. Intro to Kubernetes API Priority and Fairness.mp4 (49.89 MB)
117. Understanding API Priority & Fairness Resources.mp4 (47.7 MB)
118. Examine Kubernetes FlowSchema Resource Type.mp4 (3.7 MB)
119. Validate FlowSchema Applied During k8s API Requests.mp4 (58.14 MB)
120. Explore Kubernetes Priority Level Configuration Queues.mp4 (55.02 MB)
121. Intro to Kubernetes Infrastructure Testing with Pester.mp4 (9.04 MB)
122. Discuss Specific Use Cases for Automated Kubernetes Testing.mp4 (42.22 MB)
123. Setting Up PowerShell and Pester Dev Environment.mp4 (29.42 MB)
124. Write Pester Test for Kubernetes Pods in Default Namespace.mp4 (48.31 MB)
125. Write Pester Test for Kubernetes Deployment Replica Count.mp4 (47.48 MB)
126. Add Pester Template Strings to Test Cases.mp4 (32.46 MB)
127. Write Pester Test for Kubernetes Cluster Role Bindings.mp4 (52.39 MB)
128. What's Driving the Need for Policy.mp4 (56.85 MB)
129. Intro to Open Policy Agent (OPA) Concepts.mp4 (65.83 MB)
130. Understand OPA Gatekeeper Architecture with Kubernetes.mp4 (60.25 MB)
131. Install OPA Gatekeeper on Kubernetes Cluster.mp4 (55.21 MB)
132. Deploy OPA Constraints to Kubernetes Cluster.mp4 (65.18 MB)
133. Remediate Audit Violations from OPA Gatekeeper.mp4 (61.07 MB)
134. Intro to Kubernetes Resource Validation with Datree.mp4 (62.15 MB)
135. Run Datree CLI Against Local Kubernetes Manifest.mp4 (29.94 MB)
136. Skip Datree Policy Rules with Resource Annotations.mp4 (38.28 MB)
137. Evaluate Datree Policy Rules on Live Kubernetes Resources.mp4 (52.2 MB)
138. Configure Datree Policies Centrally or Locally.mp4 (37.52 MB)
139. Intro to Rego for Open Policy Agent (OPA).mp4 (20.93 MB)
140. Create Rego Policy and Parse with OPA CLI.mp4 (40.91 MB)
141. Write Rego Policy Tests and Execute with OPA CLI.mp4 (21.64 MB)
142. Pass Inputs to Rego Policies and Use String Functions.mp4 (28.56 MB)
143. Evaluate Rego Policy Return Values.mp4 (21.34 MB)
144. Implement Time Window Policy in Rego.mp4 (47.46 MB)
13. Intro to Securing Kubernetes GUIs.mp4 (90.44 MB)
14. Secure Kubernetes GUIs with Cloud Native Firewalls.mp4 (66.98 MB)
15. Encrypt Network Packets with Ingress and TLS.mp4 (50.7 MB)
16. Understand Kubernetes Network Policies for Securing GUIs.mp4 (47 MB)
17. Enable AuthN and AuthZ for Kubernetes GUI Security.mp4 (52.96 MB)
18. Disable Web UIs for Improved Cluster Security.mp4 (56.45 MB)
19. Intro to CIS Benchmarks for Kubernetes.mp4 (59 MB)
20. Discuss the CIS Kubernetes Benchmark Document.mp4 (44.68 MB)
21. Understand Etcd and Control Plane Authentication Recommendations.mp4 (61.45 MB)
22. Review Kubernetes Worker Node CIS Benchmarks.mp4 (12.61 MB)
23. Learn Kubernetes Policy CIS Benchmarks.mp4 (82.64 MB)
24. Intro to Kubernetes Sealed Secrets.mp4 (66.01 MB)
25. Deploy Bitnami Sealed Secrets to Kubernetes Cluster.mp4 (90.1 MB)
26. Encrypt Secrets with Kubeseal CLI Tool.mp4 (60.22 MB)
27. Deploy and Unwrap Sealed Secret Resources on Kubernetes.mp4 (29.03 MB)
28. Intro to Chaos Mesh for Kubernetes.mp4 (57.89 MB)
29. Install Chaos Mesh on Kubernetes Clusters.mp4 (75.89 MB)
30. Explore the Chaos Mesh Dashboard UI.mp4 (36.84 MB)
31. Inject HTTP Chaos Mesh Experiment into Pods.mp4 (83.61 MB)
36. Intro to Open Service Mesh for Kubernetes.mp4 (46.68 MB)
37. Understand Open Service Mesh Installation Process.mp4 (56.84 MB)
38 Install Open Service Mesh on Kubernetes with OSM CLI.mp4 (48.42 MB)
39. Onboard Kubernetes Namespaces to Open Service Mesh.mp4 (49.18 MB)
40. Verify Service Connectivity from OSM Client Pod.mp4 (34.39 MB)
41. Limit Network Connectivity with OSM IngressBackend Resource.mp4 (67.56 MB)
32. Intro to Signing Container Images.mp4 (56.79 MB)
33. Understanding Sigstore Cosign CLI.mp4 (72.57 MB)
34. Install Cosign CLI and Generate Key Pair.mp4 (78.81 MB)
35. Build and Digitally Sign Container Image with Cosign.mp4 (90.39 MB)
42. Intro to Hashicorp Vault on Kubernetes.mp4 (35.43 MB)
43. Understanding Hashicorp Vault Architecture on Kubernetes.mp4 (56.45 MB)
44. Install Hashicorp Vault on Kubernetes with Helm.mp4 (38.55 MB)
45. Initialize and Unseal Hashicorp Vault and Create Secret.mp4 (38.86 MB)
46. Create Vault Permissions Policy and Role.mp4 (25.98 MB)
47. Inject Hashicorp Vault Secrets into Kubernetes Pod.mp4 (74.42 MB)
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