The Complete NFT Web Development Course Zero To Expert

Posted on 27 Nov 19:36 | by AD-TEAM | 86 views
The Complete NFT Web Development Course Zero To Expert

The Complete NFT Web Development Course Zero To Expert
Language: English
Files Type: mp4, sol, css, srt, ico, svg, md, ds_store, json, js, html, sample| Size: 15.34 GB
Video: 23:48:11 | 1280X720 | 1868 Kbps
Audio: mp4a-40-2 | 128 Kbps | AAC

Videos Files :
1. Overview Getting Started With NFTs.mp4 (63.15 MB)
2. What Is An NFT As An Artform & Collectible.mp4 (40.06 MB)
3. What Are Some Examples of NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens).mp4 (52.99 MB)
4. Technically Defining What Is An NFT.mp4 (64.49 MB)
5. The Internet Of Assets (The World in Web3).mp4 (100.21 MB)
1. Overview Deploying Your NFT Smart Contract.mp4 (57.76 MB)
2. NFT Smart Contract KryptoBirdz Shell Creation.mp4 (53.7 MB)
3. Organize The NFT Image Files.mp4 (15.85 MB)
4. Truffle Deployment jаvascript File.mp4 (31.91 MB)
5. First Truffle Local Compile.mp4 (66.98 MB)
6. Deploy Your First Smart Contract On Ganache.mp4 (56.68 MB)
7. Truffle Console (jаvascript Syncronous and Asyncronous).mp4 (41.83 MB)
8. Truffle Console (Async Await & Fetching Blockchain Data).mp4 (87.27 MB)
1. Overview Minting NFT Token Functionality.mp4 (38.57 MB)
10. The Minting NFT Function Steps.mp4 (25.89 MB)
2. The Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP ERC721 Standard).mp4 (44.68 MB)
3. EIP & The Open Zeppelin Token Contracts.mp4 (44.81 MB)
4. Refactoring Metadata to an ERC721Metadata Smart Contract.mp4 (56.15 MB)
5. Create The ERC721 Connector Smart Contract.mp4 (53.53 MB)
6. Exericse Hook up the ERC721Connector to the Main NFT Marketplace Smart Cont.mp4 (22.62 MB)
7. Solution Hook up the ERC721Connector To The Main NFT Smart Contract.mp4 (27.96 MB)
8. Migrate And Test NFT Smart Contract Updates.mp4 (63.75 MB)
9. The ERC721 Main NFT Smart Contract.mp4 (49.25 MB)
1. Mapping Database for The Minting NFT Function.mp4 (53.76 MB)
2. Exercise Write The Minting NFT Function.mp4 (43.7 MB)
3. Solution Write The Minting NFT Function.mp4 (55.55 MB)
4. Bonus 2 Solution Write The Minting NFT Function.mp4 (83.86 MB)
5. Transer Event for Minting NFTs.mp4 (40.83 MB)
6. Storing NFTs on the marketplace Smart Contract I.mp4 (86.37 MB)
7. Storing NFTs on the marketplace Smart Contract II.mp4 (46.71 MB)
8. Mint Your Very First Coded NFT ).mp4 (145.06 MB)
1. Overview Inheritance & Enumeration.mp4 (54.39 MB)
10. Solution Build Enumerating Mapping Database.mp4 (37.29 MB)
11. Add NFT Tokens To TotalSupply.mp4 (102.25 MB)
12. Connecting Enumerations & Debugging.mp4 (67.79 MB)
13. Truffle Console NFT Suppy Test.mp4 (37.37 MB)
2. BalanceOf Vs OwnerOf NFT Functions.mp4 (69.53 MB)
3. Write The BalanceOf & OwnerOf NFT Functions.mp4 (118.96 MB)
4. Update NFT Contract Migrations.mp4 (68.25 MB)
5. NFT Minting & ERC721 Inheritance Review.mp4 (55.32 MB)
6. Minting Blockchain Verification & NFT Ownership.mp4 (134.5 MB)
7. Enumeration & NFT TotalSupply Calculation.mp4 (120.49 MB)
8. Virtual & Override Inheritance Pattern.mp4 (46.72 MB)
9. Exercise Build Enumerating Mapping Database.mp4 (60.23 MB)
1. Overview Transferring NFT Functionality.mp4 (30.31 MB)
10. Solution Write The TransferFrom NFT Function.mp4 (91.73 MB)
11. Complete The TransferFrom NFT Function.mp4 (50.26 MB)
12. Transfer NFTs & Trufle Console Tests.mp4 (144.66 MB)
2. AddTokensToAllEnumerations NFT Function.mp4 (40.8 MB)
3. Exercise Add Tokens To Owner Enumerations.mp4 (63.46 MB)
4. Solution Add Tokens To Owner Enumerations.mp4 (81.29 MB)
5. Complete The Token By Index Function.mp4 (88.28 MB)
6. Complete The OwnerByIndex & TokenByIndex Functions & Compile.mp4 (160.6 MB)
7. TransferFrom NFT Outline EIP.mp4 (63.99 MB)
8. TransferFrom NFT Setup.mp4 (39.54 MB)
9. Exercise Write The TransferFrom NFT Function.mp4 (36.15 MB)
1. Overview Optional Approval Functionality.mp4 (34.67 MB)
2. Write An Aprrove NFT Function (Example).mp4 (118.75 MB)
3. Approval Transfer Bonus Exercise.mp4 (112.92 MB)
1. Overview Interfaces & Cryptographic Functions.mp4 (54.78 MB)
10. Registering Supported Interfaces To ERC721 Standard Contracts.mp4 (129.04 MB)
2. What Is The ERC176 Standard.mp4 (78.41 MB)
3. ERC165 & IERC165 Remix Ethereum Example Set Up.mp4 (90.26 MB)
4. What Are Bytes In Solidity Review.mp4 (38.9 MB)
5. Byte Flow & NFT Interfance Hierarchal Inheritance.mp4 (75.12 MB)
6. Function Overloading Vs Overriding.mp4 (84.69 MB)
7. What is Keccake (Hashing Function).mp4 (43.21 MB)
8. Cryptographic Hashing For NFT Function Signatures.mp4 (68.2 MB)
9. What Is The XOR Operator.mp4 (63.97 MB)
1. Overview Registering Fingerprints Bytes Of Smart Contract Data.mp4 (49.71 MB)
2. Integrating ERC721 & Its Interface To Our NFT Project.mp4 (156.38 MB)
3. Complete Integrating The ERC721 Interface.mp4 (186 MB)
4. Complete Integrating The ERC721 Interface II.mp4 (59.19 MB)
5. Integrating the ERCMetadata Interface.mp4 (44.58 MB)
6. Integrating the ERCEnumerable Interface.mp4 (54.04 MB)
7. Exercise Register Data Fingerprints of ERC721 Standards.mp4 (89.67 MB)
8. Solution Register Data Fingerprints of ERC721 Standards I.mp4 (109.16 MB)
9. Solution Register Data Fingerprints of ERC721 Standards II.mp4 (70.3 MB)
1. Overview Building Mocha Test Units with jаvascript.mp4 (56.49 MB)
10. Test Loop Through Total Supply Tokens.mp4 (121.9 MB)
11. jаvascript Arrays & Looping Review and Example.mp4 (132.49 MB)
12. Final NFT Testing & Full Review.mp4 (109.35 MB)
2. Introduction To Truffle Suite Tests with jаvascript.mp4 (80.02 MB)
3. Introduction To Chai & Initial Set Up.mp4 (48.77 MB)
4. jаvascript NFT Test Container Basics.mp4 (72.98 MB)
5. jаvascript NFT Test Container Basics II.mp4 (74.18 MB)
6. Exercise Write Tests for NFT Name & Symbol Metadata.mp4 (21.68 MB)
7. Solution Write Tests for NFT Name & Symbol Metadata.mp4 (58.94 MB)
8. Quick Clean up (Camel Case Global Sweep ).mp4 (47.65 MB)
9. NFT Minting Tests.mp4 (202.09 MB)
1. 0verview Introduction To Web Development.mp4 (67.7 MB)
10. CSS Styling A Landing Page.mp4 (147.59 MB)
11. Assignment Build Your Own React Landing Page.mp4 (45.06 MB)
3. Introduction To React & Web Development.mp4 (83.9 MB)
4. Write Your First Create React App.mp4 (115.76 MB)
5. HTML & The DOM Review.mp4 (38.62 MB)
6. Deploy To Your First Development Server.mp4 (60.42 MB)
7. Build A Landing Page Part I.mp4 (40.75 MB)
8. Build A Landing Page Part II.mp4 (91.26 MB)
9. React Inline Stying.mp4 (110.73 MB)
1. What Is A Virtual Machine (Basic Introduction).mp4 (31.81 MB)
2. What Are Smart Contracts Ethereum & Solidity.mp4 (28.66 MB)
3. Optional Advanced Introduction to Opcodes for the EVM.mp4 (36.1 MB)
4. How Contract Storage Works With Ethereum Smart Contracts.mp4 (45.64 MB)
5. Optional Advanced Opcodes Allow The EVM To Compute Almost Anything.mp4 (7.01 MB)
6. Review What Is The EVM.mp4 (40.2 MB)
1. Overview Build A Complete React Application From Scratch.mp4 (53.6 MB)
10. Display Data UI with React Functional Components.mp4 (123.91 MB)
3. Overview On Our Upcoming Project Application.mp4 (77.15 MB)
4. What Are React Hooks.mp4 (78.98 MB)
5. Open Weather Network & Axios Library Introduction.mp4 (31.21 MB)
6. API Key & Axios Promise Library.mp4 (62.67 MB)
7. Fetching API with React.mp4 (163.33 MB)
8. What Is Try & Catch Error Handling.mp4 (69.93 MB)
9. Accessing JSON & Data Structures with jаvascript.mp4 (90.99 MB)
2. Introduction To Forms in React.mp4 (61 MB)
3. Working With State in React.mp4 (172.02 MB)
4. Assignment FInish The React App Funcationality.mp4 (34.12 MB)
5. Solution FInish The React App Functionality.mp4 (141.59 MB)
6. Style The Weather App I.mp4 (53.04 MB)
7. Style The Weather App Button & Input.mp4 (100.35 MB)
8. Stying the Document With CSS.mp4 (94.39 MB)
9. Final UI Design & CSS Styling.mp4 (83.58 MB)
1. Overview Loading Blockchain Data Onto The Front End.mp4 (74.44 MB)
10. Building Navbar For Wallet Address.mp4 (63.77 MB)
11. Accessing With Web3 Smart Contracts in React.mp4 (44.5 MB)
12. Exericse Load The NFT Marketplace To The Front End (Web3).mp4 (20.47 MB)
13. Solution Load The NFT Marketplace To The Front End (Web3).mp4 (90.15 MB)
3. NFT Marketplace Front End Review.mp4 (83.61 MB)
4. Backend Smart Contract Verification Overview Before Moving Forward.mp4 (40.38 MB)
5. Deploy The React Project To Your Local Host.mp4 (48.62 MB)
6. Connecting MetaMask & Ethereum Provider To The Front End.mp4 (126.91 MB)
7. Fetching Account Information From The Blockchain.mp4 (70.36 MB)
8. Ethereum.request Fetching Blockchain Data Update.mp4 (15.73 MB)
9. Handling State With Class Components in React.mp4 (55.82 MB)
1. Overview Loading The NFt Marketplace Smart Contract To The Front End.mp4 (51.78 MB)
2. Hooking Up NFT Functionality To The Front End.mp4 (154.78 MB)
3. Update NFT State & The Spread Operator In React.mp4 (44.1 MB)
4. The Mint NFT Token Function In React.mp4 (78.72 MB)
5. Quick Bootstrap Touch Ups Front End.mp4 (58.74 MB)
6. Exercise Build The Minting Form.mp4 (31.84 MB)
7. Solution Complete The Minting Form.mp4 (67.06 MB)
8. Final Minting Functionality For The Front End.mp4 (90.65 MB)
1. Overview Designing The NFT User Interface & Styling The DApplication.mp4 (83.6 MB)
2. Introduction To MDBootstrap React.mp4 (65.22 MB)
3. Propagate NFT Tokens with MD Bootstrap Cards.mp4 (127.91 MB)
4. Styling The NFT Marketplace CSS In Depth.mp4 (106.73 MB)
5. NFT Marketplace UI Animation With CSS.mp4 (94.96 MB)
6. Hosting NFTs On The Cloud & Final Project Implementation.mp4 (206.76 MB)
1. Overview Building Smart Contract Utilities.mp4 (87.83 MB)
10. One Last Chance to Make This Course Better for Your Permanent Learning Library.mp4 (39.71 MB)
2. Introduction To SafeMath & Overflow in Solidity.mp4 (110.84 MB)
3. Libraries in Solidity (Case Study & Demonstration).mp4 (51.93 MB)
4. SafeMath Arithmetic NFT Functionality.mp4 (74.7 MB)
5. Exercise Complete The Solidity SafeMath.mp4 (32.56 MB)
6. Solution Complete The Solidity SafeMath.mp4 (117.11 MB)
7. Building The Counter Library For The ERC721 Smart Contract.mp4 (144.04 MB)
8. Inheriting The Counter Library For The ERC721 Smart Contract.mp4 (79.7 MB)
9. Concluding The NFT Marketplace Course!!.mp4 (121.54 MB)
1. What Is An NFT Marketplace (Formal Definition).mp4 (12.3 MB)
2. Introduction To Our KryptoBirdz Marketplace Concept.mp4 (13.28 MB)
3. What Is OpenSea (Introduction).mp4 (16.66 MB)
4. What is an NFT Collections & Collectibles (KryptoBirdz Example).mp4 (21.53 MB)
5. Minting & Trading NFTs (KryptoBirdz Example).mp4 (30.73 MB)
6. Exercise Practice With A NFT Marketplace.mp4 (33.35 MB)
7. What is Algorithmically Generated NFT Art.mp4 (34.98 MB)
8. Review on NFTs & Next Steps.mp4 (14.92 MB)
1. Overview The Standardizaion of NFT Smart Contracts.mp4 (48.32 MB)
2. NFT & Gaming Introduction (CryptoKitties Example).mp4 (47.8 MB)
3. What Real Problems Do Non Fungible Tokens Actually Solve (Besides Cool Games).mp4 (33.32 MB)
4. Formally defining what is an ERC721 Token.mp4 (22.21 MB)
5. ERC721 By Example (BalanceOf Function).mp4 (28.87 MB)
6. EIP The Ethereum Improvement Proposal.mp4 (20.37 MB)
7. Review What is the ERC721 Token Contract.mp4 (17.97 MB)
1. Overview Getting Started With Programming.mp4 (50.12 MB)
10. Visibility keywords in Solidity.mp4 (49.63 MB)
11. Exercise Solidity Visibility Challenge.mp4 (13.9 MB)
12. Solution Solidity Visibility Challenge.mp4 (19.38 MB)
3. How To Code Along In These Sections Remix Ethereum IDE Introduction.mp4 (41.49 MB)
4. Quick Note On The Upcoming Crash Course Section.mp4 (10.81 MB)
5. What Is Solidity (As A Coding Language).mp4 (23.34 MB)
6. Pragma Solidity (How To Select Compiler Versions).mp4 (62.31 MB)
7. Creating Smart Contracts In Solidity.mp4 (48.55 MB)
8. What are Variables & Datatypes in Solidity.mp4 (73.4 MB)
9. Deploying Your Very First Smart Contract Token.mp4 (47.05 MB)
10. Exercise Write A Send Token Function.mp4 (60.41 MB)
11. Solution Write A Send Token Function.mp4 (48.52 MB)
12. Deploy Your First Mintable Token Contract.mp4 (108.37 MB)
2. What is a Constructor in Solidity.mp4 (81.21 MB)
3. What is Mapping in Solidity.mp4 (41.52 MB)
4. Exericse Write A Mapping.mp4 (9.01 MB)
5. Solution Write A Mapping.mp4 (13.19 MB)
6. What Are Events in Solidity.mp4 (49.6 MB)
7. The Mint Token Function Signature.mp4 (52.09 MB)
8. Conditional Logic & Error Handling in Solidity.mp4 (80.38 MB)
9. Updating Token Balances & the += Operator.mp4 (94.7 MB)
1. Overview How To Go Through This Optional Coding Section.mp4 (89.34 MB)
10. Solution Write An Airdrop If Statement In Solidity.mp4 (108.39 MB)
11. Arrays in Solidity Pop Push & Length Methods.mp4 (98.09 MB)
12. Arrays in Solidity Delete.mp4 (53.36 MB)
13. Exercise Maintain a Compact Array.mp4 (27.62 MB)
14. Solution Maintain a Compact Array.mp4 (73.11 MB)
15. What Are Abstract Contracts in Solidity.mp4 (77.46 MB)
3. General Introduction To Variables & Types.mp4 (39.76 MB)
4. Introduction To Booleans, Integers, & Strings.mp4 (43.81 MB)
5. Writing Solidity Variables.mp4 (108.06 MB)
6. Exercise write Variables.mp4 (56.31 MB)
7. Solution Write Variables.mp4 (49.89 MB)
8. Introduction To Decision Making If Statements in Solidity.mp4 (38.49 MB)
9. How To Write If Statements in Solidity.mp4 (105.7 MB)
1. Overview Setting Up The NFT Development Environment.mp4 (68.65 MB)
10. Connecting MetaMask To Ganache.mp4 (56.05 MB)
11. How To Work With Truffle.mp4 (39.69 MB)
12. Git Clone The Starter Project (+ Introduction To Github).mp4 (76.31 MB)
13. Download Your First Text Editor (VSC).mp4 (33.23 MB)
14. Getting Started with Visual Studio Code (Customizations & Workflow).mp4 (54.12 MB)
2. What Is MetaMask.mp4 (53.98 MB)
3. What Is A Terminal.mp4 (62.44 MB)
4. What Is A Terminal Part II.mp4 (20.4 MB)
5. What Is Node.js Part I.mp4 (51.25 MB)
6. What Is Node.js Part II.mp4 (26.18 MB)
7. What Is NPM Basics.mp4 (39.02 MB)
8. How To Install Ganache.mp4 (33.38 MB)
9. How To Use Ganache.mp4 (50.44 MB)
1. Overview Configuring The NFT Environment Setup.mp4 (66.53 MB)
10. Installing The NFT Project Dependancies.mp4 (53.43 MB)
11. Initialize Truffle Configurations (Truffle Init).mp4 (79.24 MB)
12. Truffle Configurations & Customizations.mp4 (138.63 MB)
13. The Migrations Truffle Smart Contract Overview.mp4 (60.78 MB)
14. Write The Upgrade Smart Contract Migration Function.mp4 (60.32 MB)
3. What Is The Package.json File.mp4 (37.04 MB)
4. What is JSON (Examples).mp4 (46.52 MB)
5. NFT Project Dependency Overview.mp4 (90.36 MB)
6. Package.json vs Package lock json.mp4 (32.76 MB)
7. The Index.js FIle.mp4 (36.64 MB)
8. The Index.html File.mp4 (38.47 MB)
9. Adding Projects Folders & Architecture Setup.mp4 (76.92 MB)

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