Posted on 01 Dec 09:52 | by AD-TEAM | 26 views
Language: English
Files Type: mp4, png, html| Size: 6.73 GB
Video: 26:03:44 | 1280X720 | 962 Kbps
Audio: mp4a-40-2 | 128 Kbps | AAC

Videos Files :
1. Welcome to The Python Bootcamp!.mp4 (12.21 MB)
2. What is Python - Our first Program!.mp4 (13.08 MB)
3. What you can expect in this course....mp4 (20.76 MB)
1. Control Flow Overview.mp4 (8.07 MB)
2. Understanding Booleans.mp4 (10.26 MB)
3. Comparison Operators.mp4 (12.93 MB)
4. IF statements.mp4 (26.44 MB)
5. The importance of indentation.mp4 (18.7 MB)
6. ELIF and ELSE.mp4 (30.23 MB)
1. Understand Loops with FizzBuzz!.mp4 (4.77 MB)
10. enumerate.mp4 (12.88 MB)
11. List Comprehensions.mp4 (19.46 MB)
12. Dictionary Comprehensions.mp4 (22.69 MB)
2. FOR Loops.mp4 (44.71 MB)
3. FizzBuzz with FOR loops (Overview).mp4 (12.13 MB)
4. FizzBuzz with FOR loops (Solution).mp4 (15.09 MB)
5. WHILE Loops.mp4 (26.23 MB)
6. FizzBuzz with WHILE loops.mp4 (14.13 MB)
7. Nested Loops.mp4 (30.83 MB)
8. The break, continue and pass keywords.mp4 (31.02 MB)
9. Creating loops with the ELSE keyword.mp4 (12.9 MB)
1. What are Functions.mp4 (12.23 MB)
10. Scope.mp4 (26.62 MB)
11. The Global keyword.mp4 (15.93 MB)
2. How to DEFine a Function.mp4 (14.25 MB)
3. Docstrings.mp4 (11.76 MB)
4. The return statement.mp4 (28.57 MB)
5. Parameters and Positional Arguments.mp4 (25.36 MB)
6. Keyword Arguments & Default Values.mp4 (32.14 MB)
7. args & kwargs.mp4 (40.19 MB)
8. Lambda Expressions.mp4 (16.63 MB)
9. Map & Filter Functions.mp4 (21.09 MB)
1. Accepting User Input.mp4 (41.01 MB)
2. Validating User Input.mp4 (28.83 MB)
1. Helpful functionality for the upcoming projects.mp4 (17.43 MB)
2. Number Guessing Game Project Overview.mp4 (15.74 MB)
3. Number Guessing Game Project Solution.mp4 (169.34 MB)
1. Shopping List Project Overview.mp4 (15.94 MB)
2. Shopping List Project Solution.mp4 (133.89 MB)
1. Fitness App Project Overview.mp4 (57.43 MB)
2. Fitness App Project Solution.mp4 (263.33 MB)
1. Rock, Paper, Scissors Project Overview.mp4 (21.8 MB)
2. Rock, Paper, Scissors Project Solution.mp4 (122.29 MB)
1. Hangman Project Overview.mp4 (27.15 MB)
2. Hangman Project Solution.mp4 (185.42 MB)
1. Project Overview.mp4 (46.29 MB)
2. Project Solution.mp4 (232.35 MB)
1. Installing Python.mp4 (44.5 MB)
2. Command Line Basics.mp4 (31.73 MB)
3. Jupyter Notebook Introduction.mp4 (23.06 MB)
4. Jupyter Notebook Basics.mp4 (36.31 MB)
1. Introduction to OOP.mp4 (18.57 MB)
10. Polymorphism.mp4 (30.16 MB)
11. Special Methods.mp4 (70.69 MB)
2. What is a Class.mp4 (15.96 MB)
3. How to create an attribute.mp4 (23.7 MB)
4. Instantiating a class.mp4 (12.87 MB)
5. Class object attributes.mp4 (11.55 MB)
6. Changing attributes.mp4 (10.37 MB)
7. Instance Methods.mp4 (38.58 MB)
8. Inheritance Part 1.mp4 (51.59 MB)
9. Inheritance Part 2.mp4 (49.73 MB)
1. Introduction to Modules.mp4 (11.87 MB)
2. Importing modules in Python Part 1.mp4 (9.72 MB)
3. Importing modules in Python Part 2.mp4 (16.72 MB)
4. Python Module Search Path.mp4 (24.74 MB)
5. Reloading a Module.mp4 (14.04 MB)
6. Introduction to Packages.mp4 (30.5 MB)
7. Importing from Packages.mp4 (31.99 MB)
8. The dir() built-in function.mp4 (43.96 MB)
9. if name and main.mp4 (41.2 MB)
1. Python Errors and Built-in Exceptions.mp4 (25.39 MB)
2. Handling Errors and Exceptions.mp4 (35.68 MB)
3. User-defined Exceptions.mp4 (59.72 MB)
4. Pylint.mp4 (64.04 MB)
5. Running tests with the Unittest library.mp4 (108.83 MB)
1. Problem.mp4 (37.19 MB)
2. Solution (Part 1).mp4 (99.28 MB)
3. Solution (Part 2).mp4 (57.57 MB)
4. Solution (Part 3).mp4 (41.8 MB)
5. Solution (Part 4).mp4 (75.48 MB)
6. Solution (Part 5).mp4 (94.98 MB)
1. Introduction to Decorators.mp4 (27.07 MB)
2. Understanding Closures Part 1.mp4 (20.4 MB)
3. Understanding Closures Part 2.mp4 (18.04 MB)
4. A Simple Decorator Example.mp4 (22.25 MB)
5. Decorating Functions with Parameters.mp4 (32.32 MB)
1. Introduction to Generators.mp4 (2.92 MB)
2. Python Iterators.mp4 (45.04 MB)
3. Python Generators.mp4 (33.11 MB)
4. Generator Expressions.mp4 (16.51 MB)
5. Benefits of Generators.mp4 (14.64 MB)
1. What is Web Scraping.mp4 (17.83 MB)
10. Scraping the Forecast data - All elements at once.mp4 (24.02 MB)
11. Loading our data into a Pandas DataFrame.mp4 (34.04 MB)
2. How Does Web Scraping Work.mp4 (55.07 MB)
3. Web Scraping Legalities.mp4 (11.1 MB)
4. The Structure of a Webpage.mp4 (76.23 MB)
5. The requests library.mp4 (25.69 MB)
6. The BeautifulSoup library.mp4 (71.29 MB)
7. Searching for tags by class and id.mp4 (23.91 MB)
8. National Weather Service - Extended Forecast.mp4 (25.11 MB)
9. Scraping the Forecast data - One element at a time.mp4 (36.64 MB)
1. Introduction to Tkinter.mp4 (11.28 MB)
10. Building a Calculator App Part 1.mp4 (57.49 MB)
11. Building a Calculator App Part 2.mp4 (86.41 MB)
12. Creating an executable file to run on your computer.mp4 (57.81 MB)
13. Schedule your application to run automatically (Task Scheduler).mp4 (38.33 MB)
2. Creating our first GUI.mp4 (14.2 MB)
3. Adding Widgets to the GUI.mp4 (30.91 MB)
4. Geometry Management - The Pack Method.mp4 (36.69 MB)
5. Geometry Management - The Place Method.mp4 (40.53 MB)
6. Geometry Management - The Grid Method.mp4 (57.48 MB)
7. Exploring different types of widgets (Part 1).mp4 (73.73 MB)
8. Exploring different types of widgets (Part 2).mp4 (49.53 MB)
9. Executing functions in a GUI.mp4 (50.59 MB)
1. Problem.mp4 (32.93 MB)
2. Solution.mp4 (354.65 MB)
10. Basic Interactivity Example.mp4 (40.19 MB)
11. Basic Interactivity with real dataset.mp4 (29.72 MB)
12. Plotly Basics.mp4 (24.89 MB)
13. Creating Charts on a real dataset.mp4 (41.31 MB)
14. Plotly Chart Themes.mp4 (12.96 MB)
15. Plotly Express Overview.mp4 (56.64 MB)
16. Introducing the sakila dataset.mp4 (9.09 MB)
17. Connecting to a database.mp4 (23.37 MB)
18. Bar Charts.mp4 (47.9 MB)
2. Setting up your environment.mp4 (20.02 MB)
3. Main Components of Dash.mp4 (8.73 MB)
4. The Dash App Skeleton.mp4 (9.57 MB)
5. Our First Dash App!.mp4 (16.25 MB)
6. Adding more components.mp4 (22.89 MB)
7. Themes & Layouts.mp4 (42.57 MB)
8. Pre-built bootstrap components.mp4 (26.78 MB)
9. Setting up Dash in Jupyter.mp4 (11.73 MB)
1. Comments.mp4 (10.26 MB)
2. The Print Statement.mp4 (4.46 MB)
3. Variables.mp4 (16.97 MB)
4. Constants.mp4 (4.63 MB)
5. Python Keywords.mp4 (5.84 MB)
6. Intro to Data Types.mp4 (3.61 MB)
1. Working with CSV files (Reading from .csv files).mp4 (42.98 MB)
2. Working with CSV files (Writing to .csv files).mp4 (49.95 MB)
3. Working with PDF files (Reading from .pdf files).mp4 (39.69 MB)
4. Working with PDF files (Writing to .pdf files).mp4 (16.1 MB)
5. How to read data from a database.mp4 (37.05 MB)
1. Counter.mp4 (18.28 MB)
2. OrderedDict.mp4 (9.8 MB)
3. DefaultDict.mp4 (16.49 MB)
4. ChainMap.mp4 (14.48 MB)
5. NamedTuple.mp4 (13.98 MB)
6. Deque.mp4 (16.09 MB)
1. Regex Introduction.mp4 (12.57 MB)
2. Meta Characters Part 1.mp4 (31.06 MB)
3. Meta Characters Part 2.mp4 (37.68 MB)
4. Special Sequences.mp4 (44.73 MB)
5. The Regex Module.mp4 (68.23 MB)
1. Timing your Python code.mp4 (49.41 MB)
1. Congratulations.mp4 (5.23 MB)
1. Numbers Part 1.mp4 (19.8 MB)
2. Numbers Part 2.mp4 (22.5 MB)
3. An interesting thought... Python Decimal.mp4 (16.85 MB)
4. Numbers from libraries.mp4 (7.98 MB)
1. What is a String.mp4 (20.11 MB)
2. Accessing elements of a String - Indexing.mp4 (20.81 MB)
3. Accessing multiple elements of a String - Slicing.mp4 (24.86 MB)
4. How to change or delete a String.mp4 (12.43 MB)
5. String concatenation.mp4 (14.14 MB)
6. String Membership.mp4 (12.81 MB)
7. String Methods.mp4 (64.09 MB)
8. The format() method.mp4 (21.42 MB)
1. What are Lists.mp4 (21.08 MB)
10. Other useful List methods.mp4 (43.98 MB)
11. List Membership.mp4 (11.5 MB)
12. EXTRA - Converting to and from lists with .split() and .join().mp4 (20.3 MB)
13. List Summary.mp4 (2.61 MB)
2. How to access list elements.mp4 (18.22 MB)
3. List Slicing.mp4 (24.93 MB)
4. List Methods Introduction.mp4 (5.38 MB)
5. Sorting Lists.mp4 (31.2 MB)
6. Changing List elements.mp4 (10.78 MB)
7. Adding elements to Lists.mp4 (34.86 MB)
8. Removing elements from Lists.mp4 (23.72 MB)
9. Deleting List elements.mp4 (17.56 MB)
1. What are Dictionaries.mp4 (6.58 MB)
2. Creating a Dictionary.mp4 (20.67 MB)
3. Accessing elements from a Dictionary.mp4 (11.3 MB)
4. Changing & Adding Dictionary elements.mp4 (11.3 MB)
5. Removing elements from Dictionaries.mp4 (23.61 MB)
6. Dictionary Methods.mp4 (15.64 MB)
7. Dictionary Membership & Built-in functions.mp4 (16.74 MB)
1. What is a Tuple.mp4 (3.99 MB)
2. Creating a Tuple (inc. Tuple Packing).mp4 (12.27 MB)
3. Accessing Tuple elements (Indexing & Slicing).mp4 (18.54 MB)
4. Changing a Tuple.mp4 (25.88 MB)
5. Deleting a Tuple.mp4 (4.98 MB)
6. Tuple Methods & Operations.mp4 (11.97 MB)
7. Tuple Unpacking.mp4 (8.07 MB)
8. Tuples v Lists.mp4 (8.97 MB)
1. What is a Set.mp4 (4.03 MB)
10. The Frozen Set.mp4 (19.1 MB)
2. Creating a Set.mp4 (19.95 MB)
3. Modifying a Set.mp4 (11.15 MB)
4. Removing elements from a Set.mp4 (13.71 MB)
5. Union.mp4 (10.56 MB)
6. Intersection.mp4 (5.93 MB)
7. Difference.mp4 (7.98 MB)
8. Symmetric Difference.mp4 (6.78 MB)
9. Useful built-in functions with Sets.mp4 (7.86 MB)
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