Charisma on Command University - Charlie Houpert
Posted on 17 Jan 12:53 | by mata000 | 51 views

Charlie Houpert – Charisma on Command University | 4.83GB
Curious what past students have to say?
"When I read that coaching would change my life in less than a month, I was skeptical to say the least. But here we are less than a month in and I already feel like these superpowers that are developing! I'm in control and I love that!"
— Phil D., Professional business coach
"If I could just get 20 minutes to connect with someone, anyone, I knew they would want to see me again. CoC gave me what I needed, the ability to get those first 20 minutes whenever I want with whoever I want. It feels amazing"
— Kevin E., Serial entrepreneur, Toastmaster's President
"I've always been confident, but when I met Ben and Charlie, I realized they were doing things I thought were impossible. They had a totally different level of reality. Three months later, I'm doing exactly what I once thought was impossible, and I've never felt more confident in my life!"
— Scott B., Founder of Lifelong Learner
"My life, my mood, my productivity, and my dating life all used to have way more ups and downs. CoC taught me how to take control of all that, how to feel good and turn it on whenever I need it. I feel more confident and in control of my life than I ever have before."
— Dilan D., CTO Scoopier, acquired by Google
There's an important truth in this world that your parents probably didn't tell you when you were growing up
That your teachers never taught you, and that truthfully you probably don't want to know.
You've been tricked into thinking hard work is what determines success.
That the key to wealth and riches, diamonds and sports cars, is to put in your time and do a good job.
That as long as you're a good person, your dream partner will just come walking into your life one day, because that's what you deserve.
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, you've been sold a lie.
Hollywood movies, school, even your parents have accidentally tricked you into believing the world rewards those who put their head down, work hard, and deserve to be rewarded.
But it doesn't.
That's why you see people who aren't smarter than you getting the jobs that you want (and the money that goes with it!)
That's why you see people who aren't better than you getting the dates that you want.
And that's why despite doing all the things you've been told you should do, you haven't been able to get the life you want and dream of.
It isn't just what you know, it's who you know. And it isn't just what you do, it's what others are willing to do FOR you.
If you aren't charismatic, you're going to lose out in life to folks that don't deserve to be beating you. But they will beat you. Again and again.
That's what we learned when Ben didn't get that job offer six years ago.
It isn't fair, but deep down we all know that this is how the world works.
THAT is why I created Charisma University
Because it's the most important thing in your life. This isn't just about your social life. This bleeds into everything.
What would life be like if you had the tools to 'turn it on' and wow any room at a moment's notice?
I decided to create Charisma University after it became clear to me that:
I wasn't the only one being held back in their career by a lack of confidence
Most people, including myself for most of my life, are situationally confident. They're great in small familiar groups, but in large groups or high pressure situations they become hesitant and meek (especially with work superiors, gorgeous members of the opposite sex, and the people they most admire)
Too many people are worried to take risks. Whether it's starting a business, getting a promotion, or talking to the incredibly attractive person at the bar, they miss out on getting what they deserve because they don't have the confidence to go for it or the charisma to make it happen
Can you think of a time recently yourself when you felt like this?
When you saw someone you wanted to connect with but you didn't even try.
When you hesitated and you let an opportunity pass you by.
Maybe it's the beautiful stunner who made your heart beat harder when you saw them walk by.
Maybe it's a potential mentor, someone you look up to, someone who can guide you and inspire you to achieve the kind of massive success they've had in their own lives.
You want to talk to them. But you hesitate, and a tiny voice in your head throws you off. Or worse, you DO try, and after a few minutes of terrible, forced conversation, they excuse themselves to get away.
If you've ever been at a conference or a networking event, seen someone successful you wanted to talk to and done nothing about it, you are not alone. If you've ever been at a coffee shop or walking down the street, seen someone that made your head turn and done nothing but watch them walk away, you are not alone.
We've all been there. Every single person I've ever met has been there.
And you know what, we've missed out on life-changing opportunities and people that could have massively enhanced our lives.
You know what's different? What's special? The person that does something about it.
The person who goes up shoulders back, head held high, and knows exactly what to say to leave that person thinking "holy cow, I need to see them again". Now THAT is rare.
Are you ready to be that person?
Welcome To Charisma University
Growing up, I got top marks in school, played pickup sports, and had a close group of friends. But in front of the right girl or the right room full of people, my palms would start to sweat, my throat would get tight, and I'd start overthinking everything.
You guys have all heard the story before. I even won Most Likely To Break Out Of His Shell in high school. I felt like a normal dude, but apparently I was "the shy guy".
One day a flip switched in my head and I decided enough was enough.
So I started studying the science of charisma. And like Neo, I started to see the Matrix.
I got to a level of unconscious competence where everything started to come naturally. I got to the point where I could flip a switch and feel "on", no matter who was around or what the situation was.
It became easy to start conversations with anyone I saw. I finally stopped thinking "I want to talk to that person.but what should I say?? How do I know it'll go well??"
It felt like a superpower.
Since then, my co-founder Ben and I have spoken at board meetings for billion dollar businesses.
Gone to entrepreneur masterminds with some of the best under 30 entrepreneurs on the planet and left with lifelong connections.
And when I see a beautiful woman I'd like to get to know, whether it's in the club, on the street, in the store, it doesn't matter – I know I can make an incredible impression.
Most importantly, you can do it too. Because I'm not special.
All of this is learnable. In fact, once you have it all laid out in front of you in our step-by-step training, it's simple. It'll become habit. You'll be able to turn it on without even thinking about it.
And once you master these fundamental tools, you'll be able to do things you once thought impossible.
Here's just SOME of the things you'll be able to do using Charisma University:
Consistently make killer first impressions so that whether you talk to someone for 30 seconds or 30 minutes, they'll remember you over everyone else they met
Command attention every time you walk into a room so that eyes are drawn to you even before you even speak
Tell stories that get people hanging on your every word and have them asking, "What happened next!?"
Have conversations that flow effortlessly, so you won't have those awkward moments of silence where the other person politely excuses themselves
Know how to connect instantly and deeply so you can feel certain they'll want to see you again
Have proven tools to turn on your natural charm in those moments where you normally would draw a blank
Be able to connect with older, more successful business mentors and make them eager to help you get where they already are
End, once and for all, those frustrating moments where you freeze up, you feel your heart beat quicken, and you can't think of anything to say
Feel confident at parties WITHOUT having to beeline for the bar and hold a drink at your chest all night
Never be the person standing alone, pulling out your phone and checking email every 5 minutes. You'll be the person leading conversation and bringing energy to the whole room
Even if you feel like your life today is so far from your target that you can't even see it, Charisma University will take you step-by-step each leg of the journey, guiding you along so that as long as you follow the program, you're guaranteed to see massive gains!
What's Inside Charisma University
Charisma University is broken into 6 video modules that are designed to get you inspiring and impressing everyone you meet. You can go through the modules at the recommended pace of one per week, completing the daily action guide each day of the workweek, or go through the program at your own pace.
The daily action videos take just a few minutes to watch and anywhere from 2 – 20 minutes to implement. It is all about taking small, concrete steps every day so that after 6 weeks, you have made exuding charisma a habit.
Inside the membership site, you'll have access to a 10+ hour (and growing) video library created to lay out exactly what you need to know and what you need to do to become next level charismatic.
You'll also get access to the Charisma University forums where you can share triumphs, questions, and get personalized feedback from me and Ben on your daily charisma exercises.
Module 1: First Impressions
The four emotions that will guarantee an amazing first impression, regardless of who you're meeting
What questions to ask and more importantly, how to know when you should NOT be asking questions
Body language tips to make a great first impression in just a few seconds
How to to exude positive energy so people love talking to you
How to answer common questions like, "Where are you from?" and "What do you do?" in a way that gets people intrigued by you
Video breakdowns of great first impressions for you to model
Module 2: Confidence
How to build rock solid confidence that you can tap into it in the situations you need it most, like with superiors
Emotional control so you can make sure your nerves never get the best of you
Inner Game exercises that help you eliminate self-doubt
Psychologically backed practices to go from feeling nervous to feeling confident in less than 2 minutes
How to solidify your confidence so you maintain it and don't clam up in groups of people you don't know
Be able to connect with older, more successful business mentors and make them eager to help you get where they already are
Feel confident at parties WITHOUT having to beeline for the bar and hold a drink at your chest all night
Module 3: Expert Conversation
How to deal with small talk so that you quickly make people interested in connecting more meaningfully
Excerises you can do at home so you never run out of things to say when speaking with someone in real life
How to start conversations that keep themselves going
How to avoid those awkward moments of silence where the other person politely excuses themselves
How to lead conversation in a way that makes people respect you without feeling dominated by you
Two modes of conversation that will take you from initial pleasantries to genuine connection (without getting stuck talking about the weather)
Module 4: Storytelling
How to tell stories that get people hanging on your every word and have them asking "What happened next!?"
How the best storytellers take normal, everyday occurances and turn them into riveting stories
The different types of stories and how to handle each one of them so that people stay hooked
How to tell YOUR story in a way that intrigues people and gets them wanting to know more about you
Tons of video breakdowns from the world's best storytellers, so you can model the greats
Module 5: Presence and Magnetism
How to get noticed so that others go out of their way to introduce themselves to you
How to speak so that you command attention (Hint: It's NOT the words you're saying)
What to do with your eyes, hands, and body positioning so you exude a confident energy and have a commanding presence
How we are wired to subconsciously detect nervousness and what you can do so people don't see it (or mistake it) in you
The most important pieces to focus on so you aren't overwhelmed with trying to manage every little inflection, gesticulation, and gesture
Module 6: Leadership
The 6 types of people and the most powerful ways to influence each of them
How to motivate others so that they are excited about doing what you persuade them to do
How to quickly read anyone and know exactly what triggers will influence them
How to build rapport so you can quickly and easily establish trust
One of the most important ways top leaders in the world get people to buy into their vision

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