Udemy - Create a 3D Asset in Blender and Substance Painter
Posted on 02 Mar 08:32 | by cod2war | 54 views

Udemy - Create a 3D Asset in Blender and Substance Painter
Duration 2h MP4
What you'll learn
Learn to create Hard Surface Models in Blender
Learn to use the Boolean modifier and techniques related to it
Learn to texture assets in Substance Painter
Learn to create a prop from Start to Finish
Learn Poly Modelling in Blender
Learn to create Highly Realistic Models using Blender and Substance
We will start with modelling the Walkman in Blender and we will make use of the Hard Surface techniques and learn a lot about Boolean and Bevel modifiers and general poly modelling. We will learn how to solve various glitches and shading issues that occur while working with Booleans.
Then after that we will export our model to Substance Painter and start by baking mesh maps for our model, after that we will start to texture our model. We will learn how to create realistic textures for our models by using different features in Substance like Smart Masks, Smart Materials etc.
After we finish with texturing in Substance Painter we will take our model back to Blender and render it. We will setup the material, lighting and the camera. We will also learn how to use HDRIs. I will be rendering the scene using Cycles.
This course is for everyone who wants to upgrade their skillset and have a basic understanding of Blender and Substance Painter.
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