Sza Baby Shapes for G8.1
Posted on 23 Feb 05:06 | by cod2war | 40 views

Sza Baby Shapes for G8.1
Detail link: https://www.renderhub.com/sza-trippie/sza-baby-shapes-for-g8-1
Sza Baby Shapes for G8.1
This product comes w/ 2 custom Genesis 8.1 Female baby shapes created by Sza Trippie.
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It contains:
. a custom infant G8.1F full character shape
. a custom toddler G8.1F full character shape
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Load the female character baby shape preset you want and apply the desired MATs afterwards.
You'll find both shape presets on your Library under 'People/Sza Trippie/G8.1 Baby Shapes'.
. . their individual dials do not carry within themselves the Scale dial required for the shapes to actually be at their intended sizes (it is why they're hidden)
Skin textures are NOT INCLUDED.
Hair, Clothes and Accessories used in the promo pictures are NOT INCLUDED.
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List of items used on the promotional pictures:
Promo Model #1
. . Scarlett Toddler for Genesis 8 Female
. . Vo Xiao Hua HD and Hair for Genesis 8.1 Female
. . dForce Nightie for G8F and G8.1F
. . Sixus1 The Baby for Genesis 8 Female (the diaper)
Promo Model #2
. . ND Jessica Teen for Genesis 8/8.1 Female
. . SU Medium Length Hair for Genesis 8 and 8.1 Females
. . dForce Flower Set Outfit for Caryn 8
. . Sixus1 The Baby for Genesis 8 Female (the diaper)
* * * UPCOMING BONUS * * *
I plan on making both an infant and a toddler shape for the Genesis 8.1 Male figure as well. but I have another character shape to bake before diving into that though.
I expect to have it ready maybe by the end of Feb.
I'll have it shipped here once it's ready, as the second part of this very product (since I will try to replicate nearly every bit of these shapes into the next).
By that time, this product will now contain four shapes and I'll have to raise it's price accordingly (either to $12 or $15). But those of you who have already made your purchase, will grab the remaining two for free. so mind that if you're interested.
I'll let y'all know if I'm delayed.
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