Rubim Character Morph for Genesis 8.1 Female
Posted on 11 Mar 14:28 | by cod2war | 41 views

Rubim Character Morph for Genesis 8.1 Female
Detail link: https://www.renderhub.com/sza-trippie/rubim-character-morph-for-genesis-8-1-female
Rubim Character Morph for Genesis 8.1 Female
Rubim is a custom Genesis 8.1 Female character shape created by Sza Trippie.
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This package contains:
. 1 Rubim Genesis 8.1 Female character morph
. 1 Rubim Genesis 8.1 Female separate head morph
. 1 Rubim Genesis 8.1 Female separate body morph
. 1 Rubim Genesis 8.1 Female nipples shape preset
. 1 Rubim Genesis 8.1 Female navel shape preset
. 1 Rubim Genesis 9 character morph *
Her Shape dials are located under Actor/ on the Parameters tab.
You can also find all her Shape presets on your Library under 'People/Sza Trippie/Rubim'.
Skin textures are NOT INCLUDED.
Hair, Clothes and Accessories used in the promo pictures are NOT INCLUDED.
* the Genesis 9 morph was created using RSSY's Character Converter - it was put there merely as a bonus and it may not depict all the shape details you would otherwise find if using her original Genesis 8.1 Female shape.
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List of items used on the promotional pictures:
Promo Model #1: RY Caprice for Victoria 8, dForce Trendy Casual Bob Short Hair, HS Smooth Bob Hair, ShanasSoulmate's Inked vol 8 and 25, Mixed Gems Jewelery Set
Promo Model #2: SC Jasmine (skin translucency weight 20), Zoren Hair, Rana HD for Kala 8, Fiore, Realistic Strips 3, Afro Hair
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